
Unit 1 What's the matter? SectionB(1a-1e) 表格式教案

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:87次 大小:780074Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版英语八年级下册教学设计 年 级 八年级 科 目 英语 授课人 时间 课题名称 Unit1 What’s the matter 课时 Sec B-1a-1e 学情分析 教学目标 Language Competence Grasp new words and expressions. Enable students to describe different accidents and health problems. Encourage students to give some right advice according to different accidents and put them in order by using“first, second, then, next, last”. Encourage students to use the listening tip: Read the pictures and phrases before listening,predict what you will listen. Cultural Consciousness 1.Guide Ss. to stay calm when they meet the accidents in daily life. 2.Encourage Ss. to be kind to others and care more about others. 3.Encourage Ss. to improve the cooperative spirit through group work and role playing. Thinking Quality Under the teacher’s guide, most students will be able to talk about their and others’ health problems and accidents and give advice accordingly. Learning Ability Most students will be able to improve their listening and speaking abilities and master the usage of”should” and train the students’ cooperation with their partners. 重点 1.Enable to talk about different accidents and health problems in daily life. 2.Help students to use the reasonable treatments when they are in a certain situation. 难点 Ss. can give some right advice according to different accidents and put them in order. 教学过程 集体研讨 Step1 Warming up and lead in 1.Watch a video while you were playing sports Did you have an accident How did you handle it 2.Present pictures to learn new words. Learn useful expressions. Play a game Student A act out and the rest of you guess. Step2 New points input 1.1a Show 3 pictures , ask Ss to discuss what happened, write down the phrases of the accidents quickly, then discuss: If these accidents happen, what should you do What should you do first What next 2. Read 1a and put the actions in order. Make sure all the Ss. know the meaning of the phrases,and put the right order. 3.Work in pairs: Make a conversation, give your advice in order, use the whole sentences: A: I cut my finger when I was cooking. What should I do B: I’m sorry to hear that. I think first, you should…,next , you should…, last ,… Step3 Listening practice 1.Pre-listening Guide Ss to make a prediction before listening by looking at the picture on Page 5 and reading the problems in 1b, asking where they are talking. (T may say|,there are some accidents in our school life, what accidents do the school doctor treat today ) 2.While-listening 1)Listen to the school nurse. Check (√) the problems you hear. (work on 1b) 2)Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you check in the chart above.(work on 1c) 3)Check the answers. Post-listening Play the recording and get Ss to read after recording. Make a short speech Step4 Oral Output Activity 1d(Role play) Step5 Exercises. Step6 Homework Share what you learn today with your parents at home. 2. Write a short passage ... ...

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