ID: 21307311


日期:2024-12-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:83次 大小:161462B 来源:二一课件通
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重大版小学英语三年级上册重点句型连词成句(含答案) (1)to,nice,meet,you(.) (2)show,me,book,your(.) (3)what's,number,your( ) (4)old,how,you,are(.) (5)old,nine,years,I'm(.) (6)is,old,he,how( ) (7)are,you,here(.) (8)colour,what,it,is( ) (9)white,it's(.) (10)you,help,I,can( ) (11)me,a,crayon,pass(.) (12)this,what's( ) (13)apple,an,it's(.) (14)what's,that( ) (15)it's,my,picture(.) (16)Year,happy,to,you,New(!) (17)you,to,the,same(.) (18)for,a,rabbit,you(.) 参考答案: 1、Nice to meet you . 2、Show me your book . 3、What's your number 4、How old are you . 5、I'm nine years old . 6、How old is he 7、Here you are . 8、What colour is it 9、It's white . 10、Can I help you 11、Pass me a crayon . 12、What's this 13、It's an apple . 14、What's that 15、It's my picture . 16、Happy New Year to you ! 17、The same to you . 18、A rabbit for you .

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