

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:74次 大小:3348227Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 个人兴趣 Personal Interests 人教版 Go for it.九年级全册 中考英语话题复习——— 教材内容(人教版Go for it.): 七上:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 七下:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 八上:Unit 5 D you want to watch a game show 九全:Unit 9 I like the music that I can dance to. 复习内容总览 Teaching aims: By the end of the class, student are expected to: 1.Summarize and enhance the key words and expressions about interests. 2. Use different phases and sentences to describe personal interests and express the reasons they like. 3. Improve the ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing skills. Learning difficulties and teaching focus Learning difficulty: describe their interests and express reasons why they like it. Teaching focus: improve students' writing skills by helping them analyze the writing structure and content. subject sports Interests & Hobbies Brainstorm: art & amusement …… As we all know, there is a saying , “interest is the best teacher”. What ‘s your favorite subject Why do you like this subject My favorite subject is because it is . Interesting easy useful fun Subject Presentation music …….. classical music country music pop music Do you like music What kind of music do you like rock music art & amusement I like music that/which . I can dance to has great lyrics I can sing along with TV shows &movies comedy documentary action movie talk show Do you like TV shows What kind of do you TV shows like soap opera art & amusement I like movie/show that/which . can cheer me up give me something to think about. is educational/meaningful can learn a lot from it learn some great jokes can make me happy/relaxed…. news scary movie …….. I like movie/show because it . Look and say A: Can you play the…… B: Yes, I can / No. I can’t. play the piano play the guitar play the violin play the card Presentation watching TV watching movies dancing drawing singing Look and say playing basketball playing football playing tennis playing badminton A:What do you like/prefer to do when you are free B: I like/prefer to …… A:Why do you like it B:Because it is adj. …it can make me adj. …I can learn something by it. Singing is a good way to…. relaxed/happy/enjoyable/meaningful/energetic learn more skills/bring happiness Pair work 1. How often do most students in the class exercise Every day. Twice or three times a week. Once a week. 2. What do all the students like doing A. Seeing movies. B. Playing soccer. C. Reading books. 3. Who plays computer games once a week Most boys. B. Most girls. C. Most teachers. Please underline the key words and listen to the tape. 4. What can we learn about the students All of them don't like reading books. Few of them are active and exercise every day. They may go to the movies on weekends. Most students are active and exercise every day but most boys play them once a week On weekends, we may go to the movies Listening Tips:1.听前预测,划 ... ...

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