

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:98次 大小:1778859Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Tom is a middle school teacher.He is an American .He likes walking around.He knows that Lhasa (is one of the most beautiful places in the world .So he went to Lhasa with_46 friends.They got to Shanghai by plane.Then they took the train 47 Shanghai to Lhasa.The train ran in Tibet().Tom 48 his friends were happy to see the white clouds and the blue sky.Everything there was so 49.Then Tom saw many people riding many 50.So he asked the man who sat next to him,"What are they51 "They are joining a horse-riding race. They hold the race every52,"the man said .Tom saw a brown horse, and he 53 liked it. At 2 p.m.on Wednesday,the train 54 to Lhasa.After getting to Lhasa,Tom and his friends55_Tibetan(西藏的)sheep and visited the Potala Palace(布达 拉宫).They had a good time in Lhasa. 第二节语法填空 根据内容填写所缺单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空,使语篇意思完整。每空限 填一词。 Liu Qingyao is a pipa player.She is good at 56 (play)the pipa.She starts to play the pipa at the age of 5.She 57 (like)it very much.And her parents also want58 (she)to learn it.She is very great so she joins many matches (in other59 (country).People from abroad really like to listen to her music. Liu Qingyao has a show in the UK.She plays a piece of music It tells a love story.It is 60 Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.61 old woman listens to her show and she cries.Later,Liu asks if she reads the story.The woman says "No,I just feel that the music from you touches me."Liu says,"This is the 62 (one)time that I feel that foreign people like Chinese music." Liu 63 (start)to post videos of herself playing the pipa in 2016.Now,more and more people see her videos 64 like her works.Prince Lanling Battle is one of her 65 (good)works. 五、书面表达(本题10分) 假如你是张明,上周你度过了一个有意义(meaningful的周末。请根据以 下提示信息,给你的英国笔友麦克写一封电子邮件,向他介绍你的周末活动,并 说说你的感受。 写作要点: 1.表达对麦克的思念之情。 2.介绍你的周末活动: ()周六:做作业,做家务,去图书馆读书; (2)周日:和好友去公园游玩。 3.说说中学生应该如何使周末过得有意义。 7

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