ID: 21322697

【素养测评】Unit 8 I like English best 教科版(广州)四年级上册 提升培优评价卷(含答案)

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:96次 大小:335685B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【素养测评】Unit 8 I like English best 四年级英语上册 提升培优评价卷(含答案)教科版(广州) 一、匹配题 读句子,在方框中选择正确的学科,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。 C. PE E. English F. Chinese G. science H. maths 1.We use numbers in this lesson. 2.We sing songs in this lesson. 3.We do sports in this lesson. 4.We can play computer games in this lesson. 5.We write stories in this lesson. 6.We learn English words in this lesson. 7.We can understand the world in this lesson. 8.We draw pictures in this lesson. 情景对话,选择正确的答案。 A.Yes, she is. B.It’s near the telephone. C. No, I don’t. D.Of course. E. Thank you. F. I’m four. 9.Happy birthday, Kate. ( ) 10.How old are you, Tom ( ) 11.Where is your doll ( ) 12.Is the thin lady your grandmother, Tim ( ) 13.Can I have some grapes, Mum ( ) 14.Do you have a long ruler ( ) 二、补全对话/短文 Hello. My name is Mike. I'm a boy. Let me show you my 15 school. It's small. 16 twelve classrooms in it. There are 17 teachers. There are twenty boys and eighteen girls in my 18 . We have seven 19 . My favourite subject is 20 . I like to 21 . This is me. A.There are B.forty-two C.subjects E.English F.class G.sing English songs 三、阅读理解 My name is Andy. I’m ten years old. I learn eight subjects at school. I’m good at maths, science, Chinese, English and art. I like science best. It helps me understand the world. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe(也许) I’ll(我将要) be a doctor like my father and help sick people. Maybe I’ll be a writer like my aunt and write stories for people. Maybe I’ll be a happy school bus driver and take children to school. I want to do many things when I grow up. Maybe I can be a bus driver in the morning, a doctor in the afternoon and a writer in the evening. 22.Andy is good at _____ subjects at school. ( ) A.five B.six 23.Andy’s favourite subject is _____. ( ) A.English 24.Andy’s _____ is a writer. ( ) A.father B.aunt C.mother 25.Andy’s father is a _____. ( ) A.writer C.driver 26.Andy wants to _____ when she grows up. ( ) many things children learn in the evening 27.阅读短文,完成表格。 I am Mike. I’m twelve. I have seven subjects. My favourite subject is maths. I like to use numbers. Mr Zhang is my favourite teacher. I am John. I’m eleven. I have three subjects. They are Chinese, maths and English. I like English best. I like to learn English words. Miss White is my favourite teacher. Name Mike John Age(年龄) 12 Subjects subjects three subjects Favourite subject maths Like to do to use numbers Favourite teacher Miss White 阅读对话,完成下列题目。 Peter: Good afternoon, Kate. Kate: Good afternoon, Peter. Peter: Welcome to my home. Look! This is my bedroom. Kate: Your room is so tidy. Peter: Thank you. Kate: Oh, I like the blue and red kite. It’s beautiful. Peter: It’s my sister Lucy’s. Kate: ... ...

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