
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?词汇专项练习(含答案)2024-2025学年人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:33次 大小:29984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit1词汇专项练习 一、写出下列单词英文或适当形式 1.Linda had a long_____(交谈)with her English teacher, Mr. Green,about English learning just now., 2.Reading_____(大声地)every morning is a good way to learn English well. 3. The little boy learns new words by making word_____(卡片). 4. The two words have the same meaning but different _____(发音). 5. The English_____(课本)for Grade Nine has fourteen units. 6. I study for a test by_____(work)with my friends. 7.Can you finish_____(do) your homework before nine o'clock 8.Don't worry about _____(make) mistakes when you talk to foreigners in English. 9. _____ (help) each other at school is a way to improve our friendship. 10.It's time for class. Please stop _____(talk) and keep quiet. 11. I plan to send her some flowers as an _____(表达方式)of thanks. 12. English _____(语法)is boring, but it is important. So you must learn it well. 13. Sorry, I can't catch what you said. Can you _____(重复)it 14.Columbus_____(发现)America in 1492. 15. Don't tell anyone about it. Just keep the_____ (秘密)between you and me. 16. We need to get much writing _____(练习). 17.It is very dangerous to drive a car at full _____(速度)on that mountain road. 18. I need a _____(同伴)to practice English with. 19. Reading can help you to_____(增加)your vocabulary. 20. He found the right_____(解决办法)to the problem in the shortest time. 21. Think hard, and you will do everything _____(明智地). 22. The number of the students in this school has _____ (增长)since last year. 23. Before the exam, we need to r_____ textbooks and notebooks. 24. As the old saying goes,“K_____ is power." 25. Don't lose heart. I'm sure you have the a_____ to do the work well. 二、用所给词语的适当形式填空 第一组:speak use improve understand look up 1.I think it's important for English learners to learn the language by _____ it often. 2.You can _____ the new words in a dictionary when reading a long passage. 3. Having conversations with friends in English develops my_____skills. 4.It's too difficult for me _____spoken English. 5. Watching English movies_____ my listening skills. It's a good way to learn English. 第二组: read note patient understand word by word 1. _____ in this hospital are taken good care of by medical workers. 2. Try to get the main ideas by reading word groups instead of reading_____ . 3. Taking_____ is a good way to enlarge our English vocabulary. 4. After watching the program, I have got a better _____ of Chinese culture. 5. Jack is a very slow _____ and now he's asking Annie for help. 第三组:pronunciation what listen challenge make mistakes 1. The girls were interested in_____their mother said and did. 2. I really don't know how_____ some of the new words. 3. The brave boy always tries his best to deal with them when facing the _____. 4. _____can help if you can't get the pronunciation right. 5. Cindy often_____ in grammar when she learned English. 第四组:create l earn speak practice pay attention to 1.What_____ habits do you have to ... ...

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