
外研版八年级上册Module2 My home town and my country基础题练习(含答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:20895Byte 来源:二一课件通
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24秋 外研版 八上 Module2 基础题练习 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空 1. It takes less time to take the underground t to ride a bike. 2. I think the p of China will become larger because of the three-child policy. 3. There are more and more tall buildings and _____ (宽阔的) roads in my home town. 4. About 100 _____ (百万) people used ChatGPT in the first two months. 5. We were wet and hungry because of the heavy rain, but we didn’t give up climbing the _____ (小山) . 二、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空 island , low, mountain, north, south 1. The _____ customs are different from the southern ones in China. 2. We spent a week staying on the _____ and enjoyed the seafood there a lot. 3. Standing at the top of the _____, you can see beautiful views. 4. London is in the _____ of England. 5. —Why do many people buy things online on Nov. 11th —Because there are so many sales, and the prices are much _____. 三、单项选择 1. Our village becomes _____ than before because of the “Beautiful Villages” project. A. cheaper B. longer C. cleaner 2. Yuan Longping had a dream that there could be rice as _____ as peanuts (花生) . A. large B. largest C. larger D. the largest 3. My geography teacher lives an active life. She looks _____ than she really is. A. young B. younger C. youngest 4. —Is Julie as tall as you —No, she isn’t. She’s _____ than me. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 5. With a high-speed train station built in my home town, it is much _____ for us to travel to Qingdao. A. easier B. easy C. more easy D. more easily 6. —How many people come and visit Beijing every year —It’s hard to say. _____ people, I think. A. Three millions B. Three millions of C. Millions of D. Millions 7. Cola began to enter China’s market _____. And it’s still quite popular now. A. in 1920’s B. in 1920s C. in the 1920s’ D. in the 1920s 8. —_____ is the population of Shanghai —Over 20 million. A. How B. How many C. What D. How much 9. The Diwang Tower is _____ than many other buildings in Shenzhen. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 10. —Hey, Daming! How was your weekend —_____! I went to see my grandparents. A. Oh, bad luck B. Thank you very much C. Pretty good D. You’re welcome 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 教育学生如何成为一个好人是学校教育的重要组成部分。 Teaching students how to be a good person is an important _____ _____ school education. 2.到云南的游客喜欢品尝特色菜, 如鲜花饼、汽锅鸡、米线等。 Visitors to Yunnan like to taste special dishes, _____ _____ flower cakes, steamed pot chicken, rice noodles and so on. 3. 我的家乡夏天从不会太热, 冬天从不会太冷。 My home town is _____ _____ _____ in summer _____ very cold in winter. 4. 你可以注意到我们的学校有多美。 You can notice _____ _____ our school is. 5. 上海位于中国东海沿岸。 Shanghai is _____ _____ _____ of the East China Sea. 答案 一、 1.than 2.population 3.wide 4.million 5.hill 二、 1.northern 2.island 3.mountain 4.south 5.lower 三、 1—5 CABBA 6—10 CDCBC 四、 1. part;of 2. such;as 3 ... ...

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