
Module2 My home town and my country单元基础题训练(含答案)外研版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:77次 大小:21068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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24秋 外研版 八上 Module2 单元基础题训练 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填空 1. Tao Yuanming was a great poet who liked living in the _____ (乡下) and doing farm work. 2. It’s raining hard. You’d better take an u . with you. 3. Not only his parents but also he always cares about the children in poor _____ (地区) . 4. I love traditional Chinese culture, _____ (尤其) Peking Opera, Chinese calligraphy (书法) and Tai Chi. 5. No matter how wonderful my travels are, I’m always excited to come home. After all, east or w , home is the best. 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. We students now use _____ (few) throwaway products than before. 2. As we all know, light travels _____ (fast) than sound. 3. Bob’s grandma is eighty, but she looks much _____ (young) than she is. 4. The wind blew even _____ (hard) last night. 5. Climbers’ spirit shows humans sometimes can be _____ (strong) than the forces of nature. 三、单项选择 1. —_____ is the population of your home town —Sorry. I’m not sure about that. A. How much B. What C. How many D. How 2. Today is much _____ than yesterday. Nice! A. cool B. cooler C. coolest D. the coolest 3. My uncle went to Shenzhen _____. A. in 1990s B. in the 1990 C. on the 1990’s D. in the 1990s 4. He is a little _____ than you, but he is as _____ as you. A. thin; stronger B. thinner; strong C. thinner; stronger D. thin; strong 5. I love the countryside, _____ in spring. A. especially B. easily C. proudly D. quickly 6. My sister is _____ thinner than my mother. A. more B. many C. little D. much 7. This museum is very famous. About _____ people visit it every year. A. seven millions of B. seven millions C. seven million D. seven million of 8. Shandong is _____ the east of China and _____ the north of Jiangsu. A. by; to B. in; on C. on; to D. at; in 9. The population of Tianjin is _____ than _____ Beijing. A. smaller; of B. smaller; that of C. less; / D. less; that of 10. —How’s it going, Alan —_____. A. Long time no see B. I’m drawing pictures C. It’s going to rain D. Pretty good 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 杭州有多少人口 _____ the population of Hangzhou 2. 潍坊因风筝而闻名。 Weifang _____ _____ _____ kites. 3. 我喜欢吃水果, 比如苹果和橘子。 I like eating fruit, _____ _____ apples and oranges. 4. 青岛是个游览的好地方。 Qingdao is a good place _____ _____. 5. 华盛顿比美国其他任何一座城市都大吗 Is Washington D. C. bigger than _____ _____ _____ in America 答案 一、 1.countryside 2.umbrella 3.areas 4.especially 5.west 二、 1.fewer 2.faster 3.younger 4.harder 5.stronger 三、 1—5 BBDBA 6—10 DCBBD 四、 1. What’s 2. is;famous/known;for 3. such;as 4. to;visit 5. any;other;city

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