

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:55次 大小:170094Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    福建省莆田市城厢区城厢十校2023-2024学年三年级下学期6月期末英语试题答案 一、1.head 2.eye 3.ear 4.hand 5.mouth 6.leg 二、7-11:ABCAA 三、12-17:ABAABB 四、18-22:CBBCC 23-26:BBCB 五、27-32:CFABED 六、33-36:BADC 七、37-39:BAC 40-42:FFT 八、43.big 44.T-shirts 45.hamburgers 46.swim小学英语三年级下册期末自我评价2024.06 (完成时间: 30分钟 满分: 100分) 一、Read and fill. 看图, 选择对应的单词, 并正确书写在横线上。 (6分) ear eye mouth leg hand head 二、Read and choose. 选择不同类的一项, 并填涂对应序号。 (10分) 7. A. clock B. grape C. apple 8. A. eleven B. many C. twelve 9. A. jump B. run C. time 10. A. skate B. skirt C. sweater 11. A. birthday B. Children's Day C. New Year's Day 三、Read and choose. 读图, 选择与图意相符的句子并填涂对应序号。 (18分) 12. A. I like bananas. I don't like bananas. 13. A. I can skate. B. I can't skate. 14. A. Put on your skirt. B. Put on your shirt. 15. A. Let's buy a bird. B. Let's buy a rabbit. 16. A. It's eleven o' clock. B. It's seven o' clock. 17. A. Happy birthday! B. Happy Children's Day! 四、Read and choose. 单项选择, 并填涂正确答案的序号。 (18分) 18. Here is a present you. A. in B. on C. for 19. —What's this — It's apple. A. a B. an C. two 20. Touch nose, please. A. you B. your C. he 21. Sally is a bike. A. ride B. fly C. riding 22. — is the cat —It's in the hat. A. Who B. What C. Where 23. — How are you — A. I'm ten. B. I'm fine. C. I'm Sally. 24. Let's draw two . A. eye B. eyes C. ear 25. — you play football — Yes, I can. A. What B. How C. Can 26. — Happy birthday! — Sorry. B. Thank you. C. Happy birthday! 五、Read and choose. 选择正确的答案补全对话, 并填涂对应序号。 (18分) 27.— — OK. 28.— —I wear Size S. 29.— What is he doing — 30. —What about a bag — 31.— — They are Lily's. — —It's eight o' clock. 六、Read and match.根据内容, 给下列句子配图, 并填涂对应序号。 (8分) 33. We are in the park. Look! Some boys are playing football. 34. A girl is drawing under a tree. (在树下) 35. A man(男人) is running. 36. A boy is flying a kite. 七、Read and complete the tasks. 阅读短文, 按要求完成任务。 (18分) My name is Amy. I'm eight. This is my sister. She's Ann. She's ten. Today(今天) is my birthday.I have many presents. I have four pens, five pencils, an orange pencil- box and a pink hat. Look! This is a rabbit. It's white. I like it. I'm very happy. (一) Read and choose. 根据短文内容, 选择正确的答案, 并填涂对应序号。(9分) 37. This is the birthday cake for Amy. 38. Amy has five . 39. Amy has a pink . (二) Read and judge. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子对(T) , 错(F) , 并填涂对应序号。(9分) 40. Amy has(有)a brother. 41. Amy has(有)a black and white rabbit. 42. The pencil- box is orange. 八、Read and write.模仿范例,从方框中选择对应的单词,并正确书写在横线上。 (4分) 范例: Hello! I'm Small Head Dad (小头爸爸). My head is very small. I like to wear shirts. I like grapes. They are sweet. And I can ride a bike. T- shirts swim big hamburgers Hello! I'm Big Head Son(大头儿子). My head is very 43. . I like to wear 44. . I like 4 ... ...

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