
人教版九年级全册Unit 1 How can we become good learners?词汇短语句子对话单元综合练 (含答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:63次 大小:28214Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit One How can we become good learners 词汇变换。 pronunciation n.发音--v._____ patient adj.耐心的--n.耐心_____--adv.耐心地_____--opp.没有耐心的_____ expressin n.表达;表情--v.表达_____ discover v.发现-- n.发现_____--n.发现者_____ secret adj.秘密的--adv.秘密地_____--n.秘书_____ physics n.物理-- adj.物理的;身体的_____--n.物理学家_____ chemistry n.化学-- adj.化学的_____--n.化学家;药剂师_____ memorize v.记住-- n.记忆;记性_____ speed v.加速--过去式_____--过去分词_____ able adj.能--opp.不能_____--n.能力_____--adj.残疾的_____--n.残疾_____ mean v.意思是;意味着--过去式_____--过去分词_____--n.意思_____--adj.有意义的_____--adj.无意义的_____ Act v.表演;行动--n.演员_____--女演员_____--n.行动_____--adj.活跃的;积极的_____--n.活动_____ create v.创造--adj.有创造力的_____--n.创造力_____ wise adj.明智的--adv.明智地_____--n.智慧_____ connect v.连接;与...有关系--n.联系_____ 二. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.I study English by (ask) the teacher for help. 2.I practice speaking English every day to improve my (speak) English. 3.I have to finish (read) a book and give a report next Monday. 4.Why did Wei Fen find it difficult (learn) English 5.I often practice (speak) English after class. 6.What about (read) aloud to practice English 7.Try to study and remember information bit by bit instead of (wait) until the last minute to study everything at once. 8.We should pay more attention to (pronounce) every word correctly. 9.The more you eat,the (fat) you will be. 10.Let’s get the (pronounce) right when I read English. 11.The_____(careful) you write, the _____(few) mistakes you’ll make. 12.Who_____(hide) the basketball behind the tree It took me much time to find it. 13.My English teach tells us that the secret to_____(speak) English well is practising more. 14.All the students think his_____(understand) of health is really interesting and wonderful. 15.There are no simple _____(solve) to the problem of pollution. 三.词组短语。 Section A 与朋友们一起学习 2.制作单词卡片 向某人求助 4.为考试学习;备考 看录像 6.和朋友用英语谈话 7.朗读 8.that way 9.口语技能 10.英语口语 11. ...太......而不能...... 12.读完一本书 13.作报告 14.at first 15.一个词一个词地读 16.耐心点 17.语言学习的秘诀 18.害怕做某事 19.一部叫玩具总动员的英语电影 20.爱上...... 21. 肢体语言 22.他们脸上的表情 23. listen for 24.key words 25.as well 26.小菜一碟;很容易的事 27.查阅;查找 28...so that... so...that.... 29.have a better understanding of .... 30.repeat out loud 31.记笔记 31.句型 Section B 犯语法错误 2.如何提高我的阅读速度 3.一个练习英语的伙伴 4.写作练习 练习做某事 6.学习习惯 7.成功的学习者 8.天生具有 9.学习的能力 10. whether or not 视.......而定;取决于;依靠;依赖 12.对...感兴趣 13.注意;关注 14.把......和......连接或联系起来 变得厌烦 16.有...共同之处 17.even if 18.害怕做某事 19.keep practicing 写下 21.熟能生巧 22.explain sth to sb 23.ask each other 24.find out 25.a lifelong journey 26.be stressed out 27.each time 28.review on one’s own 29.尽力做某事 30. bit by bit 31.instead of 32.at once 33.worry ab ... ...

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