ID: 21334772

Unit2 I’d like a hamburger. ( Part C&Part D ) 表格式教案

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:41次 大小:19502B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计标题:Unit2 I’d like a hamburger. ( Part C&Part D ) 学情分析: 通过第一课时的学习,大部分学生对重点词汇和句子有了初步的了解和运用,知道了如何表达自己对事物的喜好,也知道如何去询问别人对事物的喜好。本节课主要是加强学生的阅读训练,教授学生阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读技能。 教学目标: 一、知识目标 Can review and consolidate food vocabulary : hamburger, sandwich, fish, chicken, beef, Coke Can skillfully use the sentence patterns to ask others and express personal needs. What would you like / I’d like.... 二、应用目标: Be able to use sentence patterns to ask others and express personal needs. Be able to use sentence patterns in reading situation. 能力目标 Can cultivate students’ comprehensive reading skills. 情感目标 Can express their own needs for food and enhance language communication skills. 教学重难点: 重点:1.Get the key information in the text through reading. 2.Can skillfully use the sentence patterns 难点:1.Note down some key words and finish the exercises about the text. 2.Mater the usage of the amount of food and drink. 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up Greetings. Revision - 幸运大转盘 课件呈现“幸运大转盘”,学生两人一一组上台转动大转盘进行对话。以此来巩固上节课所学的单词和句型。 Step2 Presentation 1.Lead-in T: Boys and girls.I like doing sports very much.What about you Ss: Yes! I like sports, too. T: Great! So please stand up. Let’s do some sports together. 教师带领学生做以下运动: turn left, turn right, turn around, run fast, jump far, jump high ( After doing sports) T: How do you feel Ss: I feel tired. T: Me,too.and I feel a little hungry.(摸摸肚子做出饥饿的模样)I’d like some fish and beef .What about you What would you like S1: I’d like... S2: I’d like... 2 . Pre-reading A game: Practise addition 请学生逐个表达对食物的喜好,后一个学生要重复前面的人的话,再说自己的喜好。以大组为单位,看谁的记忆力好,表达清晰,谁就胜利。如: S1: I’d like a hamburger. S2: ...would like a hamburger.I’d like a cold drink. S3: ...would like a cold drink. I’d like some milk. S4:... While - reading ( 1 ) Divide the class into three groups and read the first paragraph, the second paragraph and the third paragraph respectively. ( 2 ) Finish the exercises after reading; What would they like Group1: _____ would like some_____. Group2:_____ would like some_____. Group1: _____ would like some_____. Ask” What would you like ”alternately. ( 3 ) Learn the phase” a cup of...” The teacher points to a cup of water and ask the students: What’s this Guide students to answer” It’s a cup of water.” T: Yes,there is some water in the cup. 板书 “a cup of water”, 并强调 “some” 的用法。 ( 4) Ask all the students to read the whole passage silently. Finish the reading while reading: 用不同的符号代表不同人物,在课本右边的菜单中标注出来,并且完成文后的表格练习。 ( 5 ) The students express the answers and the teacher makes comments. Post - reading ( 1 ) Group Discussion Each group completes the table below. The can use the sentence patterns to make free dialogue: A: ... ...

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