ID: 21334788

Unit2 I’d like a hamburger. ( PartE&PartF ) 表格式教案

日期:2024-10-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:97次 大小:24524B 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计标题:Unit2 I’d like a hamburger. ( Part E&Part F ) 学情分析: 本节课是对本单元知识的巩固复习,学生们通过之前的学习已熟知了食物类词汇的名称,并能运用所学句型进行简单对话表达自己的喜好以及询问别人对食物的喜好。在这节课中,学生课外知识得到了拓展,初步了解西方饮食文化。在听、说、读能力得以训练的基础上,引导学生进行你简单的写作练习,降低了学生的心理抵触情绪,提高了学习效果。 教学目标: 一、知识目标 Can review and consolidate food vocabularies : a hamburger / sandwich / Coke, some fish / chicken / beef Can write and use sentence patterns orally: What would you like / I’d like some... 二、应用目标: Be able to skillfully use the sentence pattern”I’d like...” in writing. Be able to get information based on pictures and understanding to sort the essay. 能力目标 Let students learn to tell stories in an orderly way 情感目标 Enhance students’ understanding of Chinese and Western food culture. Let students understand the meaning of sharing. 教学重难点: 重点:1. Can make students know the Western food culture through class activity.. 2. Be able to skillfullly use sentence patterns to ask others and express personal needs 难点:Can get information according to picture and sentences and sort the passage. 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up Greetings. Revision Use food pictures and word cards to review the names of food. Step2 Presentation Lead-in ( 1 ) Divide the class into two groups,Hamburger Group and Sandwich Group. Introduce the western food culture through the materials collected by students themselves in the previous lesson. ( 2 ) Give the group a star for each sentence.The group that speaks more and speaks better will be the winner. ( 3 ) Watch a short video about the Western food culture. Let’s write ( 1 ) Discuss what they want for lunch.The students can introduce 2-3 favourite food or drinks in English.The teacher give them an example: I’m hungry.I’d like some noodles, some fruit and a glass of juice. ( Write down on the Bb ) ( 2 ) Give students 3 minutes to write according to what they’ve mastered. I’d like_____. ( 3 ) Give 5minutes to draw the food. ( 4 ) Show Time Read the essay in groups, and show their drawings. 4. Evaluate their performance of each group. Step3. Reading Development Train students’ imagination The courseware shows the pictures of Part F, and let students predict the story content. Free talk with the students.Guide them to know the main idea of the story. T: What’s Tim having Ss: He is having an ice cream. T: Does Dino want to eat it ... According to the pictures and sentences , guess the meaning of following words and phrases: finish, unhappy, agree, take one lick, ask for Discuss with the students. Put the sentences in order. Check the answers and tell students not be too greedy.We should learn to share with others. Step4 Practice Act out the story. The teacher can change the story into a short dialogue between Tim and Dino.Each group can choose members to act it out. Dino: What are you eating,Tim Tim: An ice cream Di ... ...

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