
中职英语 外研版 《幼师英语(修订版)》Unit 1 Welcome to sprout kindergarten 课件 (24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:91次 大小:6184448Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) After learning this unit, you’ll be able to: 1. understand preschool education. 2. express your love for the major and children. 3. know something about the aims of preschool English teaching. Look at the picture and discuss Do you love children 2. Where do children study before going to school 3 Warming up 1. Can you recognise the words and expression pink 萌芽幼儿园 n. 美国 adj. 高兴地 adj. 微笑的 n. 粉色 adj. 粉红的 Sprout Kindergarten America glad smiling 2. Look and match. Warming up 子页3 I’m David. I’m from America. Glad to meet you. Hi, there. My name is Angela. I’m a smiling angel. Hello, I’m strong Tom. Nice to meet you. Hello, I’m Candy. I love pink and Hello Kitty. Welcome to Sprout Kindergarten. We’re your teachers. 3 3. Fill in the form. Names Lyn Carrie Tom David Angela Candy Age 18 years old 20 years old 4 years old 4 years old 4 years old 5 years old Warming up 4. Complete the dialogues with the words below. 子页3 A: Hello. How’s it _____ B: Oh, not too _____, thanks. A: Hi, there. How are _____ B: _____, thanks. A: Good morning. _____are you B: I’m very _____, thank you. And you going bad things Fine How well Warming up how well things bad fine going 3 Listening & Speaking 1.Learn the words and expressions. snack 餐厅 玩…… n. 宿舍 n. 手工作品 n. 午休,小睡 体育活动 vt. 陈列 n. 点心 dining hall dormitory nap play with craft display physical exercises 2. Repeat.(译文) 子页3 Angela: Lyn, is this the dining hall Lyn: Yes, we have breakfast and lunch here. Angela: Where’s the dormitory Lyn: The dormitory is next to the dining hall, so it’s easy to take a nap there after lunch. David: This is the reading corner. We can read books here. Lyn: Yes, and this is the play area, with many toys. You can play with the toys here. David: What are those things Lyn: Those are crafts. You can also display your own favourite crafts. And that is the planting corner. You can grow different flowers and plants there. Listening & Speaking 安杰拉: 琳恩, 这是餐厅吗 琳恩: 是的,我们在这儿享用早餐和午餐。 安杰拉: 宿舍在哪边 琳恩: 宿舍在餐厅旁边,因此午饭后小睡一会儿很方便。 戴维: 这是阅读角。我们可以在这儿读书。 琳恩: 对,这边是娱乐角,有很多玩具。你可以在这儿与玩具玩耍。 戴维: 那些是什么? 琳恩: 那些是手工作品。你可以展示你自己最喜欢的。那里是植物角。 你可以在那里种植不同的花和植物。 3. Answer the questions.(答案) Listening & Speaking What do the children do in the dining hall Where is the dormitory What do the children do in the reading corner What do the children do in the play area Can the children grow plants or flowers in the planting corner They have breakfast and lunch in the dining hall. The dormitory is next to the dining hall. They read books in the reading corner. They play with the toys in the play area. Yes, they can. 4. Read the sentences and match them with the pictures. 子页3 Listening & Speaking 3 5. Fill in the blanks with the expressions below. Liste ... ...

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