
中职英语 外研版 《幼师英语(修订版)》Unit 2 My Family 课件 (24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:65次 大小:6212608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) After learning this unit, you’ll be able to: 1. talk about family relations and family life. 2. master the names of rooms in a house. 3. understand some theories of preschool English teaching. Unit 2 My Family Look at the picture and discuss: 1. What can you see in this picture 2. Do you have your family pictures with you Talk about them to your classmates. 1. Can you recognise the words n. 侄子 Warming up n.(外)祖父 n.(外)祖母 n. 侄女 n. 堂亲 (兄弟), 表亲(姐妹) grandfather grandmother cousin niece nephew 2. Fill in the blanks. grandmother grandfather cousin nephew niece Warming up 3. Describe the pictures below in your words as much as possible. Warming up He’s Mary’s grandmother. She’s Mary’s father’s mother. He’s Mary’s father. He’s Mary’s grandmother’s son. He’s Mary’s brother. He’s Bob and Susan’s son. She’s Mary’s father’s wife. She’s Mary’s mother. Read and learn the words and expressions. n. 厨房 Reading & Speaking n. 卧室 n. 书房 n. 卫生间 adv. 在楼上 在 …… 的对面 客厅 n. 家具 bedroom study upstairs living room kitchen bathroom furniture opposite to The children are drawing pictures of their homes on paper. Tom is telling Lyn about his home. Tom: This is my house. My father, mother and I live in it . Lyn: How many rooms are there in your house Tom: There are two bedrooms, a study, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Lyn: Where are the two bedrooms Tom: They’re upstairs. My parents live in the bigger room, and I live in the other one. Lyn: Is that the study Tom: Yes, it’s upstairs next to my parents’ bedroom. Lyn: Where is the living room Tom: It’s downstairs between the kitchen and the bathroom. The kitchen is on the left and the bathroom is on the right. Lyn: Oh, your house looks so beautiful! 2. Read the dialogue and repeat.(译文) 孩子们正在纸上画他们的家,汤姆正在跟琳恩说他的家。 汤姆: 这是我家。我爸爸、妈妈和我住在这里。 琳恩: 你的家里有多少房间? 汤姆: 有两间卧室,一个书房,一个客厅,一个厨房和一个浴室。 琳恩: 卧室在哪里? 汤姆: 在楼上。我父母住大的那间,我住另一间。 琳恩: 那是书房吗? 汤姆: 是的,它在楼上,我父母卧室的旁边。 琳恩: 客厅在哪里? 汤姆: 在楼下,厨房和浴室中间。厨房在左边,浴室在右边。 琳恩: 噢,你家真漂亮! Reading & Speaking 3. Answer the questions.(答案) How many people are living in Tom’s house Who are they How many rooms are there in Tom’s house Where is the study Where is the living room Where is the kitchen The kitchen is on the left of the living room. Reading & Speaking Four. His father, mother and he live in it . There are two bedrooms, a study, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. It’s upstairs next to his parents’ bedroom. It’s downstairs between the kitchen and the bathroom. 4. Read again and fill in the blanks. Tom’s bedroom Study Living room Reading & Speaking 6. Look and match. Reading & Speaking washing machine table sofa computer wardrobe refrigerator T F 1. There are four rooms in Ang ... ...

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