
Unit 1 How can we become good learners导学案(无答案,3课时)人教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:23次 大小:45602Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【学习目标】1. Talk about how to study. 2. Verb +by doing sth. 第一课时 Unit 1 Section A 1a-2d ( p1-2) 【听力同步】 一、听(1b)录音内容,选择正确答案。 1. What test did Meiping and her classmates have (Chinese/ Math/English) 2. How did Meiping study for it ( By making word cards / By listening to tapes /By asking the teacher for help) 3. How did Peter study for a test ( By making word cards / By listening to tapes /By asking the teacher for help)\ 4. How did Tony study for a test ( By making word cards / By listening to tapes /By asking the teacher for help)\ 5. How many students did the boy ask for advice according to the conversation (One/ Two /Three) 二、听(2a-2b)录音,填写所缺信息。 1. The topic they are going to talk about: The ways to _____ English. 2. The different ways they (don’t) use and the reasons: a. by _____ videos ( it is ) b. by keeping a diary in English ( it is helpful) c. by studying with _____ (it is helpful) d. by _____with friends in English (it is ) e. by looking up new words in a _____ (it is helpful) 【阅读同步】阅读课本P2/2d,归纳短语: 1.有点紧张 2.作报告 3.完成做某事 4.首先,开始 5.越……越…… 6.逐字地 7.花费时间 第二课时 Unit 1 Section A 3a—3b ( p3) 【阅读同步】阅读课本P3/3a,完成以下阅读任务: Read the passage quickly and get the main idea according to the key words. Key words: problems, ways, enjoy Para.1 : _____ Para.2 : _____ Para.3 : _____ 二、Read Para.2 and fill in the chart. Questions Answers What’s the way of Wei Fen’s English learning How to get the meaning What were her gains(收获) 三、Read the passage and fill in the blanks. an difficulty fall invent up character realize improve something pronounce good fast Wei Fen didn't like her English class at all last year. It was 1._____ for Wei Fen to understand her English teacher's words because she spoke too quickly. Because of her poor 2._____, she hid behind her textbook instead of asking questions. Luckily, Wei Fen watched 3._____exciting and funny English movie called Toy Story. She 4._____ in love with it at once and began to watch other English movies, too. She found that the characters' body language and the expressions could help her to understand what the 5. _____ said. She also 6._____that listening for just the key words could help a lot. Her pronunciation 7._____ a lot, too. She discovered that listening to 8._____ interesting is the secret to language learning. Moreover, in order to get to know the meaning of some useful sentences like “It's a piece of cake.", she looked them 9. _____ in a dictionary. Now Wei Fen enjoys her English class. She wants to learn new words and more grammar so that she can have a 10._____ understanding of English movies. 四、找出下列短语,请在课本中标注(P3-4) 1.害怕做某事 2.如此……以至于…… 3.练习做某事 4…….以便…… 5.查字典 6.因为 7.爱上 8.写日记 9.做笔记 10.一部名为《玩具总动员》的英文电影 11. 小菜一碟 12. 自作自受 第三课时 Unit 1 Section B 1a-1e ( p5) 【听力同步】 一、听1c, 1d录音,填空: Paul has trouble 1 ... ...

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