

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:58次 大小:6582401Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中山一中九年级上学期知识梳理A英语科试题 一、听力部分(共13分): )9.What's the best way of learning a language A对话理解(本节有8小题,每小题1分,共8分) A.Writing it. B.Using it. C.Learning its grammar. ( )10.What should you do when learning English 听下列四段对话,每段对话设2小题。请根据所听到的内容及其相关小题,在 A.Write as much as possible.B.Talk in English as much as possible. 规定的时间内从题中所给的A、B、C选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话播放两遍。 C.Remember as many words as possible. 听第一段对话,回答第1-2题。 ( )11.What should you do when you make a mistake ( A.Keep quiet. B.Get angry. C.Laugh at it. )1.Why is Kevin so tired A.Because he slept too little last night ()12.What should you do if people laugh at your mistakes A.Not care about it. B.Be angry with them.C.Laugh at them. B.Because he had a history test yesterday. ()13.What's the most important thing in learning English C.Because he works hard these days. A.Don't talk in English too fast.B.Make friends with foreigners. ()2.What does the girl think of Kevin C.Don't be afraid of making mistakes. A.He's not hard-working.B.He's bad at history.C.He has tried his best. 二、语法选择(本大题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 听第二段对话,回答第34题。 When Binstein was young,he failed in several exams because he often played with )3.How did Tom do in the test some bad kids.14 a Sunday moming,Einstein was preparing to go fishing with other A.He failed it. B.He just passed it. C.He did it very well. kids again.His father stopped him and said,"Einstein,you were spending too much time )4 When is Tom going to give a talk in class 15 I'm worried about your future." A.This moming.B.Tomorrow moming. C.Tomorrow afternoon. "What are you worrying about Jack and Robert also failed in the exam,16 听第三段对话,回答第5-6趣。 they went fishing as usual." ()5.What is the girl afraid of "My boy,I have 17 story for you.I hope you can listen to it carefully." A.Making mistakes.B.Talking with foreigners. C.Speaking English. "There 18 two cats on the roof.Suddenly,they fell into the chimney () ()6.What happened in the restaurant 19 they climbed out,one cat's face was dirty while the other cat's face was clean. A.The girl couldn't understand the foreigner. Seeing the dirty-faced cat,the clean-faced one thought its own face was 20 dirty,so B.The foreigner asked the girl where she was from it ran to the riverside and washed its face.The dirty-faced cat saw the clean-faced one, C.The foreigner thought the girl was funny. thinking its own face was clean as well,so it walked 21 in the street.You can 听第四段对话,回答第7-8题。 imagine what happened later." ()7.What does Nick think is difficult "Einstein,it is possible 22 anybody to be your mirror.Some kids are not strict A.Grammar. B.Reading C.Listening. with 23.You may become stupid if you take them as your mirror."Hearing this, ()8.How does Nick improve his writing Einstein put down his fishing net and returned to his room. A By listening to more English tapes.B.By writin ... ...

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