

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:46次 大小:3108239Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024~2025学年度英语九年级阶段性学业质量检测(一B) )18.When did he begin to show interest in English A.Five years ago. 班 级 B.At the age of 16. 题号 四 五 总分 C.After going to middle school. 得分 )19.How did he learn English in her free time A.By reading English stories. 英语试题共8页,包括五道大题。全卷满分120分,考试时问为120分钟。其中听力都 姓 名 B.By listening to English songs 分满分20分,考试时问为20分钟。考试结来后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。 C.By going to the English corner. 弥 得分评卷人 20.What does he hope to do 一、听力(共20分) A.To teach English. B.To study in the UK. C.To travel in the UK. 家 得 分 评卷人 准考证号 线 L.情景反应 根据所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)】 二、基础知识(共15分】 1.A.It doesn't matter. B.What nice weather! C.That sounds great. 内 2.A.OK,I will. B.Yes,I do. C.I hope not. V.句意填词根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分) 不 3.A.Sure.It's down there. B.I'm sorry to hear that.C.There is a hotel there. 21.My friend often takes in English in class and writes down some key words. )4.A.I'm afraid I can't. B.Thank you very much.C.It's my pleasure. 22.It's important to learn how to be when we ask for help. 要 )5.A.No,thanks. B.Yes,I have. C.I think so. 23.On the Mid-Autumn Festival night,people out fruits and desserts on the table. Ⅱ.对话问答根据所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分】 24.As we know,everyone is born the ability to learn. 答 ( )6.A.He says nothing about it.B.No,it isn't. C.Yes,it is. 25.You can just read to get the main idea at first,and don't read word by word. 题 )7.A.To the flower shop.B.To the bookstore. C.To the library. VL单项选择从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分】 )8.A.He visited his friends in Shanghai. r )26.There is underground parking lot around here. B.He went to the museum. A.the B.a C.an 弥 C.He went to the amusement park. )27.-How do you study for a test 封 )9.At9:00a.m. B.At 10:00 a.m. C.At11:00a.m. working with friends. )10.A.Because of his mother.B.Because of being late.C.Because of his illness. A.By B.With C.On L图片理解看图听描述,选择与所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。下列图中有一幅图片 )28.A bicycle is often more than a car in rush hours in big cities. 线 A,normal B.interesting 与描述内容无关。(5分】 C.convenient 外 ( )29.-Please don't him with the accident.He had nothing to do with it. We'll find it out. 不 A.provide B.connect C.help 写 30.On December 31 in the UK,many people gather in London to see the famous Big Ben clock tower and to midnight. 考 A.put down B.take down C.count down ( )3l.In our exam+the careful we are,the mistakes we'll make. 号 A.less;fewer B.more;fewer C.more;less ( )32.-May I go to the concert with you -I'm afraid not. you have a ticket,because I have only one 姓 A.Since B.If C.Unless ( )33. delicious the mooncakes Yes,I agree with you.They are the best mooncakes I've ever had. 11. 12. 13. 4. 15 A.How;taste B.What;taste C.How;tastes IV.短文理解根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分】 )34.-Could you please tell me 16.Wh ... ...

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