
人教版八年级上册英语Unit2How often do you exercise单元试题(含答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:36715Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年最新人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 2单元试题 一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分) 1.—Kindness can even touch the heart of the animals. —I agree. We should know the lesson, _____, the animals may be dangerous to us. A.moreover B.while C.however D.otherwise 2.—The girls cleaned the library yesterday but no one _____ them to do it. —They are always happy to help others, and we should learn from them. A.minded B.asked C.welcomed D.allowed 3.Chat GPT is like a friend. You talk to him online and he tries to read your _____. A.book B.body C.time D.mind 4.The room can hold thirty students _____ at a time. There is not enough room for more. A.at first B.at last C.at most D.at least 5.When my father heard about my bad grades, the smile _____ on his lips. A.died B.showed C.jumped D.killed 6.—Sally can dance well, but she doesn’t want to join our club. —Don’t worry. I will _____ her over. A.swing B.mean C.decide D.arrive 7.—What’s the best way to make progress (进步) in my English —_____ practice. A.Under B.Below C.Through D.Across 8.Ming never _____ computer games on school days. A.plays B.play C.playing D.to play 9.Tom _____ goes to the movies with his friends. A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times 10.Ben studies very _____. He does his homework everyday. But his brother Tony _____ does his homework. A.hard; hard B.hard; hardly C.hardly; hard D.hardly; hardly 11.Zhang Hao _____ watches TV. He likes using the Internet. A.hard ever B.hardly ever C.doesn’t hard ever D.doesn’t hardly ever 12.—_____ do you play basketball —Once a week. A.How B.How old C.How many times D.How often 13.Our school offers us so many colourful after-school activities on Fridays, but each student can only choose _____ two activities. A.at first B.at last C.at least D.at most 14.—Excuse me, I’d like some tickets to the talk show. —I’m sorry. There is _____ left. A.neither B.none C.either D.nothing 15.I want to buy a Huawei Mate 60 smartphone in the store, but there is _____ left in it. A.no one B.nothing C.none D.no 16.Chinese students have _____ weeks _____ for the summer holiday than British students. A.more; on B.less; off C.more; off D.fewer; on 17._____ he is very poor, _____ he feels very happy. A.Although, but B.Because, so C.Although, / D.So, because 18.Tom walked _____ the road and went into the bank. A.through B.across C.in D.from 19.We’ll go out to climb hills, because _____ of my family likes staying at home at weekends. A.everyone B.each C.none D.no one 20.Eric is very sleepy. _____ , he is still doing his homework. A.Then B.So C.And D.However 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Yesterday afternoon, my little sister Misty and I played soccer in the park. After a few minutes, we saw an old man walking with his eyes looking around. He told people he was lost, but no one 21 him. I walked over to him and asked, “Where do you come from ” he said he could ... ...

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