

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:3458474Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    5·A.6. 5.A.512c 4.A.worsc 3.A.instead 2a社 一Ag ! day.But after that incident.I've learned to one of the 13 ones. workers are B.comforting B.better B.betwcen B.hope C.fooling C·C C.however C.among As I watch the news about how many people are dying of the disease and 11 括话)10:(甜O)ea ea ea already got the discase-and possibly the virus was already in my body. took my body s again and again to make surc I didn't have a fever.My parents kept hung about for some time before I retumed home. our city.But still I could smell the fear spreading 2021-2022号个座儿金说动卡价入业线测 D.greeting D.temperature ·著 D.thereforc 15 the day's beautics,however small they are. around my bedroom,and a beam (of sunlight shines on my windows.It's just another normal Now,I'm sitting at my desk and taking a class 14.The little insects of early spring fly 12 their own lives to help the patients,I feel decply grateful (to be I took my mom's9 to exercise at home.Ialso read,watched films and painted,just to terribly frightened ()For a few nights,I lay 8 in my bed,worrying that I had mc,saying that I just caught a cold from going out in the 7 after a shower.But I was still That cvening,3 I began to cough.I coughed slightly at first,and then it got 4.I 2 people.We had lunch together and It was because of COVID-19.At that time,there weren't yet confirmed (cases in rain.It was just an ordinary day,but deep in my heart,there was a shadow (of I had plans to meet two of my friends downtown,so I took a shower and left home in the medical A.Story Gala 20.We can probably find these charts in A.housing 19.From the charts we can sce A.housing /.22/m 17.In 2015,people spent A.housing 三:明鞋捷您(技18价8:4309) 15.A.watch 14.A.at school 13.A.happy 12.A.risking 11.A.how 10A.B1 18.From 2005 to 2020,people spent the least on 9.A.advice 8.A.bored 7.A.storm B.China Daily B.education B.others 3.239 B.athers 2005 B·makC B.at home B.lucky B.offering 官。aat B.And B.excited B.wind C.Cooking Time C.clothes is'are becoming more and more important in people's lives C.education C.:24/% of their income on food&drinks. 16.In 2005,people spent most of their income (on C.education Yearly Pereentage of Average Family Expenses C.valuc C.in the hospital C.brave C.saving C.where For ood Drinks choice Housing 2010 D.The Beauty ofNature D.others D.clothes D.34% D.food drinks D.accept D.in the library D·D D.lending D.Since D.inslruction D.pleased rain一、完型填空 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D 二、阅读理解 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 三、单词拼写 31. personal 32. disappearing 33. fresh 34. cancelled 35. avoid 36. Northeast 37. doubt 38. manners 39. expected 40. unless 四、阅读填空 41. three 42. rushed 43. teeth 44. were 45. fell out 46. carefully 47. pillow 48. missing 49. didn't take 50. left 五、阅读表达 51. How to behave politely in China during the Spring Festival. 52. Yes, they are. 53. ... ...

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