
中职英语 外研版 《幼师英语(修订版)》Unit 4 The World in My Eyes课件 (23张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:65次 大小:11688960Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) After learning this unit, you’ll be able to: 1. use the words about colours, countries and animals. 2. describe the four seasons in simple English. 3. understand some principles of preschool English teaching. Look at the picture and discuss 1. Is our world beautiful in your eyes 2. What does the picture remind you of Warming up 1. Can you recognise the word and expressions five-thousand-year history on the upper side of national flag capital city locate 五千年的历史 在 …… 的上部 首都城市 国旗 vt. 位于 2. Look and match. South Africa China the United States the United Kingdom Asia Africa Europe Warming up Warming up 3. Read and fill in the form. Country Colours of the national flag Information New York City red, yellow London blue, red, white the United Kingdom Africa six colours South Africa five stars China America blue, red, white Reading & Speaking 1. Learn the words and expressions. a world of ice bamboo it seems forever harvest season because of warmer and warmer 冰雪世界 n. 竹子 看起来是 adv. 永远 丰收季节 因为 越来越暖和 Four animals are holding a meeting in the forest. Ms Panda: Hello, everyone. People call me Panda. I come from China. I have black and white fur. Mr Koala: Hi, Ms Panda, I’m koala from Australia. I’m grey. Mr Polar Bear: Nice to meet the two of you. I’m Polar Bear from a world of ice, and my fur is white. Fish is my favourite food. Ms Panda: My favorite food is bamboo, especially the bamboo in my home, Wolong. Ms Elephant: Oh, it seems I got here late. You may call me Elephant. I’ve just come from Africa. I have a long trunk, long tusks and two big ears. Ms Panda: Wow, how happy I am today! We will all be friends forever. 2. Read the dialogue and repeat.(译文) 四只动物在森林里开会。 熊猫女士: 大家好。人们叫我“熊猫”。我来自中国。我的毛皮是黑白相间的。 考拉先生: 嗨,熊猫女士。我是来自澳大利亚的考拉。我是灰色的。 北极熊先生: 很高兴遇到你们两位。我是来自一片冰雪世界的北极熊,我的毛皮是白色的。我最爱吃鱼。 熊猫女士: 我最喜欢吃竹子,特别是我家乡———卧龙的竹子。 大象女士: 噢,我似乎来晚了。你们可以叫我大象。我来自非洲。我长着长长的鼻子和象牙,以及两个大耳朵。 熊猫女士: 喔,我今天多么高兴!我们将成为永远的朋友。 Reading & Speaking 3. Answer the questions.(答案) Where does Ms Panda come from 2. What is the colour of Mr Polar Bear’s fur 3. What does Ms Elephant look like 4. What is Ms Panda’s favourite food 5. Why does Ms Panda feel happy She comes from China. It’s white. She has a long trunk, long tusks and two big ears. It’s bamboo. Because she meets many friends from all the world. Reading & Speaking 4. Look and match. Then mark the animals mentioned in Activity 2. elephant zebra polar bear panda tiger koala deer giraffe Reading & Speaking especially comes from it seems call forever Kindergarten teacher _____ me “Little Star”. You can’t lie there _____. _____ _____ that I really made a big mistake. Mr Smith _____ _____ America. 5. I like ... ...

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