
中职英语 外研版 《幼师英语(修订版)》 Unit 3 Our Interesting Body 课件(29张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:16次 大小:8429568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) After learning this unit, you’ll be able to: 1. talk about the parts of the human body. 2. understand the basic body language. 3. understand the instructional programme of preschool English teaching. Look and discuss What are they doing 2. Do they all feel happy Why Warming up 1. Can you recognise the word and expressions smiling face observe the world breathe work together 观察世界 微笑的脸庞 一起工作 vi. 呼吸 2. Look and match. hand eye ear leg foot mouth nose arm Warming up 3. Read and fill in the blanks. long _____ round _____ big _____ small _____ strong _____ short _____ smiling _____ white _____ legs hair face arms teeth ears eyes nose Warming up 4. Fill in the blanks. I can _____ and observe the world with _____. I can breathe and _____ with _____. I can _____ and _____ with _____. I can _____ and hold things with _____. I can _____ and _____ with _____. Which is the most important All of them are important. They work together. eyes see smell nose eat speak mouth write hands walk run legs Warming up Reading & Speaking 1. Learn the words and expressions. one day centimetre like reach bookshelf on the top of (将来)有一天 n. 厘米 prep.像…… 一样 vt. 伸手够 n. 书架 在……的顶部 David is standing by the bookshelf. He wants a book. David: Lyn, can you help me Lyn: Of course, David. What is it David: I want to get that book, up on the bookshelf. Lyn: Which book, David David: It’s a book about animals. It’s on the top of the shelf. I can’t reach it. Lyn: Let me get the book for you. Here you are. David: Thank you, Lyn. I hope I’ll have long arms and legs like you one day. Lyn: I’m sure you will. David, how tall are you David: 110 centimetres. Lyn: You’re growing. When you grow up you’ll be taller than I. 2. Read the dialogue and repeat.(译文) 戴维站在书架旁边。他要拿一本书。 戴维:琳恩,你能帮帮我吗? 琳恩:戴维,当然。怎么啦 戴维:我想要那本书,它在书架上方。 琳恩:哪本书,戴维? 戴维:是本关于动物的书,在书架顶部, 我够不到。 琳恩:让我来给你拿。给你。 戴维:谢谢你,琳恩。我希望有一天我也像 你一样长手长脚。 琳恩:我相信你会的。戴维,你多高? 戴维:110厘米。 琳恩:你还在长高。等你长大了就会比我高了。 Reading & Speaking 3. Decide true (T) or false (F). T F David wants a toy on the bookshelf. David asks Lyn to help him. David gets the book by himself. David is over 110 centimeters. David wants to be tall like Lyn. Reading & Speaking 4. Fill in the blanks according to the pictures. I Am Growing David is 110 centimetres tall. Lee is 120 centimetres tall. Lee is _____ than David. They are brothers. They were born on the same day. David wants to _____ the toy on the bookshelf. Lee _____ him get it. Lee is _____ than David. They are brothers. They were born on the same day. David is sad. David is _____ than Lee. Mom says to David, “Don’t worry, you are _____.” “Yes, I am _____.” helps taller get to taller shorter growing growing Reading & Speaking 5. Match and complete t ... ...

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