

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:71次 大小:1637921Byte 来源:二一课件通
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1--5 BBCAC 6--10 ABCAC 11--15 ABBAA 16--20 CBCCA 21--23 CBA 24--27 CDAB 28--31 ADDB 32--36. EGFAB 完形: 37--41 BCACD 42--46DAACC 47--51 ABABA 语填 【小题1】who 【小题2】.than 【小题3】patients 【小题4】while 【小题5】slowly 【小题6】the 【小题7】walking 【小题8】shows 【小题9】on 【小题10】be used 词形转换 distance 63.emphasize 64.occupation 65.security 66. availability 67. abnormal 68. amusement 69. incredibly bination 71. resistance. 【解答】 Dear John, How are things with you in Beijing I am writing to express my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help, I made much rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to your coming. By the way, I’ve sent you a book as a small gift. I hope you will like it. All the best. Yours, Li Hua 【范文背诵】 I decided to do something and walked towards him. After taking the cigarette from him, I took two steps back, and I said strictly to him, “Do you really think this is cool I don’t think so. I’m not going to try, and it does hurt you now.” But he ran up to me and snatched the cigarette quickly, and asked me pitifully, “Will you tell my father ” I shook my head, because I know it would do harm to his health. He stood there sadly, without knowing what to do next. Just then my uncle came back and couldn’t find his cigarette. After seeing the cigarette in Mike’s hand, my uncle knew what had happened. Suddenly, he pinched Mike’s nose and covered his mouth so that Mike couldn’t breathe when Mike didn’t notice it. Mike shook his hands fiercely, but my uncle kept doing this for 1 minute. Upon Mike’s getting released and breathing in air desperately, my uncle said, “Remember this feeling. If you keep on smoking, you won’t be able to breathe sooner or later. Don’t imitate me. I’ll quit smoking from now on”. Mike gave him a big hug. 听力原文 Text 1 W: I went to the restaurant you talked about last night. M: Oh, really How do you like it W: Well, the food is good and the decoration is nice. But the service is a little slow. Text 2 M: Hi, Mary! It's finally Friday! Would you like to play badminton with me this afternoon W: I'm sorry, Thomas. I have an exam tomorrow morning. How about Sunday morning M: All right. Text 3 M: What's so funny, Cathy W: Oh, nothing. It's an acting exercise. I'm practicing my fake laugh. My agent just got me a role as a strange nurse in a movie called Medical School. Text 4 W: The summer holiday is coming. But you don't seem happy. Why is that, Louis M: I failed my math test again. I'm worried my parents might be angry with me. Text 5 W: What kind of dog do you think we should get I want a big one. But our apartment is so small. M: I prefer a small one. Why not go to the pet store and have a look this afternoon Text 6 W: Hello, I want some vegetables for dinner tonight. M: ⑥Well, I have some fresh tomat ... ...

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