ID: 21350608

Unit 5 Dinner's ready Part A Let's talk & Let's survey课件+素材(共42张PPT)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:52次 大小:71172564B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 Dinner's ready Part A Let's talk & Let's survey PEP版四年级上册 Part A Let's talk & Let's survey Unit 5 Dinner's ready PEP版英语四年级(上) Learning goals 能够听、说、认读句型“What’s for dinner ”“What would you like (for…) I’d like some…, please.”。 能够听、说单词:dinner,ready。 能够在情境中运用上述句型征求并表达用餐意愿。 Revision Look and say milk bread juice water cake fish rice Free talk Do you like bread Yes, I do. How about you I like... But I don’t like... Warming up Enjoy a song Let's have a picnic today! Presentation Let’s talk Mike’s mum is going to make dinner. What will she make Let’s have a look. Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for dinner What would you like I’d like some soup and bread, please. What would you like for dinner Some fish and vegetables, please. Dinner’s ready! Watch and answer Watch and answer Q1: What would Mike like for dinner He would like some soup and bread. Watch and answer Q2: What would Mike's dad like for dinner He would like some fish and vegetables. Listen and read Mike: Mum, I’m 'hungry. 'What’s for dinner Mike’s mum: 'What would you like Mike: I’(d) like some 'soup an(d) 'bread, please. Listen and read Mike’s mum: 'What would you like for dinner Mike’s dad: 'Some fish and vegetables, please. Mike’s mum: Dinner’s 'ready! Mike and Mike’s dad: 'Thanks! Role play Pair work A: Mum, I'm hungry. What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner B: What would you like(for...) A: I‘d like some..., please. B: ... is ready! A: Thanks! New words /d n (r)/ dinner(中午或晚上 吃的)正餐 have dinner 吃正餐 I’d like some rice for dinner. New words /'redi/ ready准备好 Lunch is ready. Language points 1.询问三餐吃什么 What’s for + 三餐名称 What’s for dinner What is的缩写形式。 意为“给,对,供”,表对象、用途等。 还可以是breakfast,lunch,supper。 回答时,直接说出饮食类名词即可。 —What’s for breakfast —_____. Some bread and milk 情景示例 Mum, what’s for dinner Fish, bread, soup and vegetables. Language points 2.征求对方的用餐意愿 问句:What would you like (for+三餐名称) 答语:(I’d like+) 饮食类名词. —What would you like 可加for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper。 —I’d like some soup and bread, please. I’d是I would的缩写形式。 please使得语气委婉。 回答时,直接说明想要吃/喝……即可。 —What would you like for lunch —_____. A sandwich 情景示例 Language points fish 不可数名词 鱼肉 动词 钓鱼,捕鱼 可数名词 鱼 two fishes 两种鱼 two fishes 两种鱼 3.一词多义的fish Let’s survey name fish vegetables rice bread juice soup others Mike √ √ Chen Jie: What would you like for dinner Mike: I’d like some rice and vegetables. S1: Oh, I’m hungry. I’d like some bread and milk. What would you like S2: I’d like some… What would you like S3: I’d like some… What would you like Group work Talk about your dinner. Look! It’s 6:00 in the evening. It’s time for dinner. What would you like for dinner Show time Please don't waste food! Practice 一、根据答语, ... ...

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