
中职英语 上外版 基础模块 第1册 Unit2 Study and Life Section Three 课件(50张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:97次 大小:3011309Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) NEWSTART ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 基础模块 1 英 语 Study and Life Unit 2 If you want to succeed in life, you must never stop learning. Learning Objectives I II Section One Getting Ready III Section Two Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation IV Section Three Reading and Writing V Section Four Grammar in Focus VI Section Five Doing a Project Watch and Say A. Reading Pictures B. Building Vocabulary C. Viewing to Learn Learning Objectives Listening: Bottom-up Strategies Listening: Conversation Listening: Short Passage Speaking: Pair Work Speaking: Group Work Pronunciation Text A and Writing Text B Learning Objectives Simple Past and Present Perfect Digging In Trying Out Learning Objectives Project A: Designing a Poster Project B: Making a Presentation talk about after-school activities and internship interview preparation; realise how studying and learning skills help one succeed in life; activate(激活)prior(先前的)knowledge while reading; write a short passage on how to spend school life. In this unit, we are going to understand the meaning and importance of “ taking challenges” in learning process; master some useful words and expressions about “study and life”; get to know what classifieds are and how to design a classified advertisements; learn to write a short passage about a meaningful project in school. In this part, we are going to Look at the title and the picture. What comes to your mind when you think of making a film A lot of preparation and hard work/ A good script/ Directors and actors/ Filming locations /Filming equipment/ Post- production work such as dubbing and editing. … Aerin: Moviemaker 1 Have you ever thought of making your own movie 14- year-old Aerin White, not only thought about it — she did it. 2 A student from North Carolina, Aerin chose filmmaking as one of her school projects. Recently, she wrote and directed her first movie, After the Knight. 3 First, she wrote the film script. That took her about three months. It’s about a family having to close down its farm. An awful neighbour wants to get hold of it by all means. The family must save the farm with a treasure hunt, which is an exciting adventure of hope and danger. 4 After writing the script, Aerin asked her family and friends to help her make the movie. A total of 67 people made her story come to life. Aerin’s dad helped with the difficult job of filming and editing. 5 “It’s challenging work to make a film,” Aerin said. “One of the biggest things I learned was how to work with people, especially under pressure.” 6 She added that it was no easy job to work with people who have different schedules. Her own inexperience at directing also made things difficult at times. Uncontrollable weather and stinging bees also caused problems. Aerin and her friends had to learn how to work through the challenges. 7 Despite the challenges, making the movie was also fun. Aerin enjoyed directing, a ... ...

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