ID: 21354394

Unit 5 Dinner's ready Part A 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:98次 大小:182983B 来源:二一课件通
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人教PEP版小学英语四年级上册Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part A练习题 一、根据画线部分的发音,将下列单词分类。(只填序号) he B.let C.get D.she red F.we G.pencil bed: me: 二、请找出下面餐盘里5个表示食物的单词,抄写在四线三格内。 likenoodlesmuchbeefsofa vegetablechicken hairsoupunder 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。 Good morning. I’d like some bread and milk,please. Mum, I’m hungry. What’s for breakfast Good morning,Mum. OK. Here you are. What would you like D 四、单项选择。 ( )1.What you like for dinner A.could B.would C.can ( )2.-- you like some beef --Yes,please. A.Would B.Do C.Can ( )3.-- --Yes,pass me a fork,please. A.What would you like B.Can I help you C.Can I have some noodles ( )4.--Help yourself. -- . A.No,thanks. B.Yes,please. C.Thank you. ( )5.Would you like a A.juice B.soup C.pear ( )6.I would like some and ,please. A.bread,apple B.milk,eggs,banana ( )7.Would you like beef A.a B.any C.some 五、情景交际 ( )1.你想让同伴递给你勺子时,你可以说 A.Pass me the spoon. B.Pass me the fork. ( )2.当你去饭店吃饭时,服务员可以问你: A.What’s for dinner B.What would you like ( )3.当朋友问你是否喝汤时,你可以回答: A.Yes,please. B.I’d like some soup. ( )4.在餐桌上,招待客人用餐时,你可以说: A.Help yourself. B.No,thanks. ( )5.你想吃一些米饭和蔬菜,你可以说: A.I’d like some rice and vegetables. B.I’d like some noodles and fish. 六、连词成句 1. you, like, would, What ( ) vegetables, some, I, like, would (.) and, vegetables, Some, noodles, please (.) Dinner, ready, is (!) for, What, dinner, is ( ) 阅读表格,选择正确的答案。 Menu(菜单) beef noodles ¥5 chicken noodles ¥5 vegetable dumplings ¥7 salad ¥5 rice ¥3 fish ¥9 ( )1.You can see the menu in a . A.schoolbag餐馆) C.classroom ( )2.You can’t have here. A.beef noodles B.vegetable dumplings C.beef dumplings ( )3.Tom likes chicken. He can have some . B.salad C.noodles ( )4.I’d like some chicken noodles and vegetable dumplings. How much(多少钱)are they A.Ten yuan. B.Eleven yuan. C.Twelve yuan. ( )5.What can you have if(如果)you have eight yuan Dumplings and rice. B.Rice and salad. C.Rice and fish. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 Mike:Hi, what would you like for lunch Jack:I’d like some rice and beef. Mike:Would you like some dessert Jack:What is dessert Mike:Dessert is something sweet.(甜的) Jack:I’d like an ice cream. ( )1.Jack would like some rice and beef. ( )2.Jack eats some rice and bread. ( )3.Dessert is salty.(咸的) ( )4.Jack would like an ice cream. ( )5.Mike eats an ice cream. 参考答案: bed: B C E G me: A D F H noodles beef vegetable chicken soup A C F B E B A B C C B C A B A A A 1. What would you like I would like some vegetables. Some vegetables and noodles,please. Dinner is ready. What is for dinner B C C C B T F F T F ... ...

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