
外研版Module 12 Save our world模块导学案(3课时,含答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:99次 大小:229349Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 12 Save our world 模块导学案 单元解读 教材剖析 了解有关环保的日常文章,准确获取信息;能够简单谈论环保等话题,提高保护环境的自觉性,增强宣传环保意识的责任感,树立环保意识,并就目前的社会污染问题提出解决意见。 知识目标 必记单词 Unit1名词:factory制造厂;工厂;waste废料;废弃物;enemy敌人;仇人;crop庄稼;作物;oil石油;less较少数;较少量;动词:pollute污染;recycle回收利用,再使用(废品);kill杀死;弄死;形容词:less较小的;较少的;hopeless无望的。 Unit2名词:china瓷;瓷器;plastic塑料;policy政策;方针;bottle瓶;cloth布;布料;ton吨;rubber橡胶;recycling回收利用;step步骤;措施;grandson (外)孙子;granddaughter (外)孙女;动词:divide分开;reuse再次使用;重复利用;repeat重说;重新做;reduce减少;减低;缩小;形容词:plastic塑料的;rapid快速的;迅速的。 必会短语 Unit11.cause a lot of pollution造成大量的污染;2.stop the pollution制止污染;3.waste products废弃物;4.such as比如;5.be worried about担心;6.use...for... 把……用于……;为……而使用……;7.spread over传遍;8.make sb. ill使得某人生病;9.be a danger to对……有危害;10.so many/much如此多的;11.as well也;12.It’s no use doing sth.做某事没有用;13.talk about谈论;14.think of想起;15.a green school绿色学校;16.use...to do...用……来做……;17.in poor areas贫困地区;18.nice/good/great idea好主意; 19.save energy节约能源;20.start to do sth.开始去做某事。Unit21.find out找出;查明;弄清楚;2.ride a bike to school骑自行车上学;3.turn off关闭;4.ask for请求;要求;5.do with处理;6.divide...into...把……分类……;7.throw away扔掉;丢弃;8.be harmful to对……有害;9.as...as possible尽可能……;10.if possible如果可能;11.It is better to do sth.最好做某事;12.change...into...把……变成……;13.tons of许多;很多;14.hope for希望;15.take steps 采取措施;16.so that以便;为了;目的是;17.draw up起草。Unit 31.clean up把……打扫干净;2.pay attention to注意,重视;3.keep (sb./sth.) doing sth.使得(某人/某物)一直做某事;4.be off离开;5.try one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事;6.not…any more不再;7.switch off关掉。 必知句型 Unit11. The factory is causing a lot of pollution. 工厂造成许多污染。2. After our lesson on the environment, I’m worried about the future. 上完有关环境的课后,我对未来非常担心。3. If the rivers are polluted, farmers can’t use the water for their crops. 如果河流受到污染,农民就不能用河水去浇灌庄稼。4. And in some places, pollution from factories spreads over cities and villages.在一些地方, 来自工厂的污染遍布城市和村庄。5. It makes people ill, and may even kill them. Pollution is a danger to our health.污染使人生病,甚至可以让人丧命。污染危及我们的健康。6. And there are so many cars on the roads. They use so much oil and cause pollution as well. 路上的车非常多,这些车过多地耗油,也造成了污染。7. It’s no use talking about things we can’t do. 谈论我们不能做的事是没有意义的。8. Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless. 尽管现在污染很严重,我认为还是有希望的。Unit21. Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room 离开房间时你关灯吗?2. Do you take your own b ... ...

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