
Unit 1 How can we become good learners ?单元测试卷(含答案)人教新目标j九年级全册

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:90537Byte 来源:二一课件通
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UNIT 1 How can we become good learners 单元测试卷 第二卷 笔试部分(100分) 单项填空(每小题1分,共10分) 1. —How are you getting on with your cousin —Very well. He is really _____ and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare time. A. polite B.strict C. active D. careful 2. —Is this iPad yours —Yes. My parents bought _____ for my language learning. A. one B. it C. other D.another 3. —Peter, you can never let others know what I have told you today. —Don't worry. I will keep the _____. A. secret B. money C. grade D. address 4. —Mr Zhang, I can't understand everything in class. —Don't worry! I'll _____ the main points at the end of the class. A. forget B. review C. lose D.remember 5. —Reading more English books is very useful in English learning. —I agree with you. _____ you read, _____ you will be. A. More; faster B. The less; the faster C. Less; faster D. The more; the faster 6. —How do you usually learn English, Ann —_____ asking the teacher for help. A. In B. By C. On D.From 7. —Lucy has improved a lot in English since she joined the English club. —Yes, you're right. How _____ she chose to be in that club! A. hardly B. clearly C. differently D. wisely 8. —Mum, I really don't know how to use this word. —Why don't you _____ in your EnglishEnglish dictionary. A. look it up B.put it off C. take it down D. give it away 9. Chemistry _____ much easier for me since Mr Li began to teach us. A. is becoming B.becomes C. became D.has become 10. —I can't solve this math problem. Can you help me with it —No problem. _____. Use it or lose it B. Go ahead C. It's a piece of cake D. Seeing is believing 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分) A How can you get the most information from a book Here are some__11__which can help you read effectively(有效地). ◆Read the whole thing When you're learning something by reading,it's more important to have a(n)__12__idea than to understand every detail(细节). In fact, no matter how__13__you read, you won't remember or understand all of the details.So why not just remember and record the main points ◆Decide how much time you will__14__ If you know that you have only six hours for a book, it'll be__15__of you to adjust(调整) yourself. The more clearly you know your limits(限制), the more effective your reading will be. So never start to read__16_planning when to stop. ◆Have a purpose Before you begin, find out__17__you are reading this book. If you don't have reasons of your own, you__18__learn much.After you start to read, try to__19__four questions:Who is the writer What are the book's opinions What are the reasons What are the conclusions ◆Read it three times You'll get the most out of the book__20__you read it three times—fastreading for general ideas, reading for understanding, and then reading for notetaking and remembering. 11. A. results B. suggestions C. choices D. reasons 12. A. general B. proper C. active D.direct 13. A. lively B. carefully C. quickly D. badly 14. A. lose B. save C. spend D.take 15. A. ... ...

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