
人教版初中英语九年级江西英语中考话题专题复习之Hakka Food in Gan Zhou (共25张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:15次 大小:42683347Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Hakka Food in Gan Zhou Writing Do you know any Hakka food in our hometown three-delicacy rice noodles Chongyi dumplings navel orange steamed pork Warming-up Do you know any hakka food in our hometown Xunwu orange turnip dumplings Ningdu meatball Ruijin beef soup Warming-up put next wash finally have enjoy first cut Chongyi Dumplings In Ganzhou, many people eat Chongyi dumplings for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to ____ wrapper, pork, leek. (Of course, you can also have other things like beef and different vegetables.) _____, _____ the leek and the pork. _____, _____ them up and put them into a bowl. have First wash Next cut Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Pre-writing 3a Then, add some flavor and mix them up. Then, _____ some mixture on the wrapper, stick all sides of the wrapper with some water. _____, cook the dumplings in boiling water. Now, it’s time to _____ the dumplings! Finally enjoy put Pre-writing 3a Chongyi dumplings In Ganzhou, many people eat Chongyi dumplings for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to have wrapper, pork, leek. (Of course, you can also have other things like beef and different vegetables.) First, wash the leek and the pork. Next, cut them up and put them into a bowl. Then, add some flavor and mix them up. Then, put some mixture on the wrapper, stick all sides of the wrapper with some water.Finally, cook the dumplings in boiling water. Now, it’s time to enjoy the dumplings! Beginning开头 Ending结尾 Steps步骤 Ingredients 原料 Pre-writing Outline Steps 步骤 Chongyi dumplings Beginning开头 Main part 正文 Ending结尾 In Ganzhou, many people eat … Now, it’s time to enjoy … Ingredients 原料 First, wash Next, cut Then, make … Finally, put … into … Then, cook … wrapper pork leek Pre-writing Outline Pre-writing How to make Ruijin beef soup Pre-writing how to make Ruijin beef soup Pre-writing We need Ingredients 原料 How to make Ruijin beef soup Pre-writing We need Ingredients 原料 How to make Ruijin beef soup beef sweet potato powder celery sesame oil scallion ginger garlic salt vinegar chilli soy sauce Pre-writing steps 步骤 How to make Ruijin beef soup beef celery scallion ginger garlic chilli First, cut up ... First, cut up ... Pre-writing Next, put...into...add...mix ...up Pre-writing Then, add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix again. Then, mix...add...pickle for... Pre-writing Then, add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix again. Then, put...into...the boiling water ...add...cook for... Pre-writing Finally, add... Pre-writing Now, it’s time to enjoy... Pre-writing Write a recipe for Ruijin beef soup. Use the expressions we’ve just learnt to help you. While-writing 3c Steps 步骤 Ruijin beef soup Beginning开头 Main part 正文 Ending结尾 In Ganzhou, many people … Now, it’s time to enjoy … Ingredients 原料 First, cut... Next, mi ... ...

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