
2025届高考英语专项复习 完型填空命题思路和解题技巧解析(讲义,共5份)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:36次 大小:205864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    完型填空命题思路与解题技巧 完形填空命题思路: 一、词汇和搭配(要有猜词和短语的能力) 二、上下文理解 完形填空解题思路:最多做两遍 ①小逻辑12-13题,即本题答案就藏在前一句、前半句、后-句、后半句。第一遍做题时都要填写。 ②大逻辑2-3 题,第一遍做题时可空着。 ③不会的、 不确定的,解释不通的,都先空着。第二遍检查收尾时处理 ④切忌过度解读、 主观臆断 ⑤时刻关注时态、 人称、 地点的的变化! 6定语从句、名词性从句注意划分成分,找准主语! ⑦分清主次, 量词、形容词、副词不认识就大胆删掉!!! (2022年全国新高考2卷) Like many young people, Jessica wants to travel the globe. Unlike most of them, this 25-year-old is doing it 41 She and her husband have spent the last two years traveling the world, stopping everywhere from Paris to Singapore. It might sound like one long expensive 42 ,but the couple has an unusual way to make their travel 43 41. A. indoors B. online C. single-handed D. full-time 42. A. game B. service C. vacation D. procedure 43. A. safe B. busy C. helpful D. affordable But 转折表示前后相反 前面的是long expensive 那么后面就是相反的 affordable They're part of a new form of the 44 economy: an online group of house sitters. Throughout their no-cost stays in 45 homes, they feed pets and water plants in the homeowner's 46 A. local B. private C. sharing D. agricultural 冒号后面是对前面的解释说明 那么后面就是答案来源 45. A. strangers' B. parents' C. co-workers' D. neighbors' 46. A. favor B. defense C. honor . D. absence ; Feed pets 和water plants 说明房主不在家 It's not all sightseeing. The two travelers carefully 47 their trips, scheduling their days around the pets that are sometimes difficult to 48. But house sitting also offers a level of 49 they can't find in a hotel. "It's like 50 at a friend's house," Jessica says. 47. A. plan B. explain C. coIpare D. complete scheduling their days around the pets非谓语动词短语对前面进行解释说明 48. A. buy B. transport C. choose D. please that are sometimes difficult to定语从句修饰pets 49. A. support B. comfort C. control D. attention But转折说明前后对比不同 前面说麻烦之处要照顾宠物 那么后面就是相反的优点 舒服之处 50. A. cooking B. staying C. waiting D. studying The couple has a high 51 rate in getting accepted as house sitters and they always go beyond the homeowner's 52 . For Jessica, that means 53 plenty of pictures of happy pets, keeping the house and leaving a nice small gift before heading to the next house. "You want to make the homeowner feel that they made the right 55 " she says. 51. A. success B. survival C. growth D. unemployment Growth 必须有前后数据的变化 而文中并没有故排除 52. A. budget B. abilities C. expectations D. understanding 53. A. admiring B. donating C. sending D. borrowing 54. A. clean B. open C. simple D. empty A. guess B. decision C. response D. impression高考英语完型填空命题思路和解题技巧实战篇 先复习一下上一部讲解的解题思路 首 一、词汇和搭配(要有猜词和短语的能力) 二、上下文理解 完形填空解题思路:最多做两遍 D小逻辑12-13题,即本题答案就藏在前一句、前半句、后一句、后半句。第一遍做题时都要填写。 ②大逻 ... ...

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