

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:88次 大小:295756Byte 来源:二一课件通
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华东师大二附中2024学年第一学期9月英语试卷 高三英语 考试时间:120分钟 满分:140分 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. 145 minutes. B. 120 minutes. C 130 minutes. D. 160 minutes 2. A. Teacher and student B. Eye doctor and patient. C. Salesman and customer D Interviewer and applicant. 3. A. On Saturday. B. On Monday C. On Thursday. D. On Friday. 4. A. Neither of them knows the composer of the music. B. The style of the music is not familiar to the man. C. The woman is as good a composer as the man. D. They share the same opinion of the odd music. 5. A. They should talk about the apartment later. B. The apartment is still available to customers. C. The apartment had already been sold. D. It is not a suitable time to buy the apartment 6. A. The customer's feedback. B. The responsibilities of her job C. The prospects of her job. D. The manager's opinion of her 7. A. The woman should think of giving up the subject. B. The woman should seek help from the tutoring service. C. The woman should work as a tutor to help others. D. The woman should major in accounting 8. A. He is rejected for lack of experience. B. He quit his job not long ago C. He doesn't care about his appearance D. He shaves himself every day. 9. A. The woman had violated traffic regulations B. The woman had been fined many times before C. The woman knows how to deal with the situation. D. The woman crossed the traffic light for poor eyesight. 10. A. He is too busy to attend the lecture on Friday. B. Professor Simpson's lecture is not interesting C. He might miss the lecture if he was not reminded. D. The lecture has an opposite effect on him Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Aluminum (铝) cans. B. Plastic bags. C. Glass bottles. D. Cigarette-related litter. 12. A. By 60 million. B. By 500 per cent. C. By 500 million. D. By 120 per cent. 13. A. Simply leaving rubbish where it belongs is all that we can do. B. Littering is a more pressing problem than people might think. C. Only measuring the harm of rubbish by its lifetime is not enough. D. A large sum of money has been spent in order to keep streets clean. Questions 14 through 16 ar ... ...

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