

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:30次 大小:101581Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024学年上师闵分高三上英语月考1 I. Listening comprehension 1. A. At a grocery store. B. At a florist’s stand. C. At a bank counter. D. At an electronic shop. 2. A. Sign up for a fitness class. B. Shop for fitness equipment. C. Have a fitness test. D. Watch a fitness video. 3. A. Pay the ticket right away. B. Challenge the ticket. C. Ignore the ticket. D. Apologize to the parking officer. 4. A. She is available on Saturday. B. She will cancel her dentist appointment. C. She can not cover the man’s shift. D. She forgot about the shift. 5. A. The woman had better give him an extension on the deadline. B. The woman had better draft the proposal by herself. C. The woman had better approve the proposal. D. The woman had better give insights on the budget section. 6. A. She doesn’t like animals from the shelter. B. She prefers buying pets from breeders. C. She thinks adopting a pet is a bad idea. D. She supports the idea of adopting a pet. 7. A. Either of them is an experienced chef. B. Both of them have experienced failures in the kitchen. C. Neither of them are fond of cooking. D. Both of them are concerned about the new recipe. 8. A. Bungee jumping is safe. B. Bungee jumping is thrilling. C. Bungee jumping might have risks. D. Bungee jumping is sure to be regrettable. 9. A. The man should borrow the book several days later. B. The woman urgently needs the book back. C. The man does not need to return the book quickly. D. The woman is unwilling to lend the man the book. 10. A. The woman’s parents will not appreciate a surprise party. B. The woman should prioritize her parents’ preferences for the party. C. The man dislikes the idea of a surprise party. D. The woman should plan a party based on her own preferences. Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following speech. 11. A. A pupil in need of help. B. A person promising to donate money. C. A member from a charity. D. A teacher in the Semira Region. 12. A.10%. B.35%. C.50%. D.65%.( 13. A. To train teachers for the disabled. B. To help a pupil with special needs. C. To pay for a walking holiday. D. To organize a charity club for the disabled. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. To distract other students from doing well. B. To impress his friends with the shining ring. C. To improve his chances in the exam. D. To honor his grandfather by wearing a ring. 15. A. By having enough time for breaks. B. By breaking down learning into portions. C. By informing teachers of the study habits. D. By wearing lucky objects. 16. A. Start revision ahead of time. B. Reward oneself during revision. C. Consider different learning styles. D. Stay up late for the exam. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. To inquire about travel recommendations. B. To discuss cultural festivals in Southeast Asia. C. To plan a solo travel adventure to Thailand. D. To learn about Mr. Patel’s travel experiences. 18. A. Europe and Africa. B. Thailand and Viet ... ...

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