
Unit 1 We have new friends .Lesson 5--lesson 6 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:34765908Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 We have new friends. Lesson 5-lesson 6 Lead in Do you know the film Shaun the Sheep Where does Shaun the Sheep live in the film (肖恩居住在哪) Lead in Let’s tell the story of Shaun and his master. Do they live in a city or a countryside (郊外) Shaun the Sheep lives at Mossy Bottom Farm. The countryside. Lead in After that the master (主人) was missing. Shaun and his partners came to a big_____ to look for(寻找) their master. Presentation city Shaun and his partners ran on the _____, and then they saw(看见) a big photo of their master beside(在旁边) the _____. He had became(成为) a barber(理发师). street road Presentation Finally, They found(找到) their master. But the master had lost his memory(失去记忆). So he forgot(忘记) where he came from, where he lived. In the end , Shaun took(带回) the master home. Presentation Presentation city [ s ti] 城市 Let’s learn We come to this city to see our master. [stri t]街道 street Presentation Let’s learn This is a busy street. Linjing Road Presentation [ro d] 道路 road Let’s learn I am on Linjing Road. Let’s make a role play Where do you live I live on the Shanghai Street now. Presentation Where do come from I come from a farm. 47 Beijing street 56 Wuhan Road Nanjing Road Guangzhou Street Practice Look and answer I want to see you. Where do you live I live at… We live at… I live on… I live on… Practice Tick and read 1. I live ____ Russia. A. in ( ) B. on ( ) C. at ( ) Where do you live 2. I live ____ Square Street. 3. I live ____Nanjing Road. 4. She lives ____87 King Street. 5. She lives ____23 Tianjin Road. Production Let’s act Our classroom is a city. Where do you live Let’s play. Presentation Today, I met two new students. We met on the way home. Do you want to know them Presentation Listen and choose 1. The friends are _____ and _____. ( ) a. Cathy and Kate b. Carl and Kate c. Carl and Cathy 2. Carl lives on _____ . Li Yan lives on _____. And Cathy lives on _____. a. Nanjing Road b. Shanghai street c. Happy City c. b. a. c. Li Yan: Hello! My name is Li Yan. What's your name Cathy: My name is Cathy. Carl: My name is Carl. Li Yan: Pleased to meet you. Cathy and Carl: Pleased to meet you, too. Li Yan: Where do you live, Cathy Cathy: I live in the Happy City. How about you, Li Yan and Carl Li Yan: I live on Nanjing Road. Carl: I live on Shanghai Street. Cathy: Great! Let's be friends. Presentation Listen and imitate Prodcution Role-play Read the dialogue fluently. 熟练朗读 。 2. Group leaders assign roles. 小组长分配角色。 3. Practice in group.小组练习。 4. Show to class. 课堂展示。 5 minutes Speak loudly and fluently (声音洪亮,语言流利) Standard pronunciation (发音标准) Correct intonation (正确的语音语调) Act wonderfully with body language (表演生动) Performance standers (评价标准) Role-play Production make a friend Production Suppose that you met a new student on the way home, you talked and you became ... ...

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