

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:419093Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年人教版八年级上册英语Unit2根据单词的适当形式填空训练 1.His mother (come)to see him once a week. 2.I go to the Dancing Club (two)a week. 3.In addition to (go) shopping, we visited Uncle Li. 4.Mo Yan is a great Chinese (write). 5.—How often do you play basketball with your friends after school —Oh, (two) a week. 6.As we all know, (eat) vegetables and fruit is good for our health. 7.The roast duck tastes (well) . 8.It’s good to relax by (use) the Internet. 9.Sam goes to the English club (two) a week. 10.He plays sports at least a week.(two) 11.On my birthday party, my parents had a big party for me and gave me a (surprise) present. 12.Her pet dog (die) for three days and she feels sad about it. 13.I can (hard) understand your words. 14.In our school, students have a lesson called STEM (one) a week. 15.Eating more vegetable is good for our (healthy). 16.Fruit and vegetables are good for our (healthy). 17.—How often does he go shopping —He (hard) ever goes shopping. 18.Sally has piano lessons (two) a week. 19.Q: your father usually on weekends (do) A: He does some reading. 20.I heard of his (die) when I got to his house. 21.We should try (learn) English well. 22.We all think you should think about changing a new job.( two) 23.Mr. Yang teaches children with special (education) needs. 24.It’s a good way to learn English by ( read ) aloud early in the morning. 25.Frank has English lessons (two) a day. 26.Mo Yan is a (write). He is the first to win the Nobel Prize in China. 27.In the future, there will be (little) fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea. 28.Many sheep were (die) because of the cold weather in Xinjiang. 29.Though he has studied hard at English for a long time, he can still (hard) speak the language. 30.Jingyue Park is so beautiful that I decide to go there (two) a month. 31. (usual), we play sports after school with our friends. 32.Do you want to go (shop) with me 33.I often drink (coffee)at night. 34.Alice uses the Internet (once) a week. 35.We need to eat more vegetables to have healthy (body). 36.How many (time) do you go online every week 37.Think (two) before you make a decision, young man. 38.A bath uses about as much water as a shower. (two) 39.Tom decided to help the old man out without thinking (two). 40.This movie is very (interest). 41.You should eat more (health) food. 42.Look! The students are doing morning (exercise). 43.Susan often (help) her mother clean the room. 44.It takes money to go there by plane than by train. (little) 45.You’ll see different kinds of (television)in the museum. 46.Both Amy and I go to the Swimming Club (one) a week. 47.The cold weather caused the plants (die). 48.Exercise is (health) for the mind and the body. 49.I think drinking milk is good for our (healthy). 50.It’s good to relax by (watch) TV. 51.Junk food is not good for our , so I never eat it. (healt ... ...

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