
2024年人教版八年级上册英语Unit2 2 How often do you exercise?根据汉语的提示完成句子训练(含参考答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:413350Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年人教版八年级上册英语Unit2根据汉语的提示完成句子训练 1.我通常在周末帮助父母做家务。 I usually my parents on weekends. 2.青少年每天应该至少睡八小时。 Teenagers should sleep 8 hours a day. 3.虽然他很忙,但是他仍然帮助我学习英语。(汉译英) very busy, he still helped me with my English. 4.比尔从不吃垃圾食品。 Bill junk food. 5.上周李雷一直用法语和同学讨论问题。 Last week, Li Lei with classmates in French. 6.人们说大象从来不会忘记。 People say that an elephant . 7.黄石是我曾经去过的最美的城市。 Huangshi is the most beautiful city that I . 8.我上班从不迟到。 I am for work. 9.孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。 Children had better not too much. 10.他们经常帮助做家务。 They help with housework. 11.你应该少花点时间在网上聊天。 You should on the Internet. 12.我从来不吃垃圾食品。它对我的健康没有益处。 I junk food. It’s not my health. 13.她每天至少阅读两个小时。 She always reads books for two hours a day. 14.这家超市开了一年多了,但我很少去购物。 The supermarket one year, but I seldom go shopping there. 15.他的哥哥似乎对读这本杂志很感兴趣。(interest) It seems that his brother is very the magazine. 16.这有益于身心健康。 It the mind and the body. 17.这本书花了我88元。尽管很贵,但是很有趣。 The book 88 yuan. it’s expensive, it’s interesting. 18.玛丽一周看望一次她的祖父母。 Mary goes to see her grandparents . 19.我妈妈每周至少打两次羽毛球。 My mother plays badminton twice a week. 20.这座桥有六百多年的历史了。 The bridge is 600 years old. 21.托尼认为这个谈话节目怎么样?他不介意。 does Tony the talk show He doesn’t it. 22.他周末干什么? on weekends 23.我太饿了以至于我忍不住吃了很多。 I`m so hungry that I a lot. 24.惩罚这么小的孩子是不明智的。 It’s not little child. 25.———你多久刷一次牙? ———一天两次。 — do you brush your teeth — a day. 26.李华经常参加课后活动。 Li Hua after-school activities. 27.李明最喜欢的电视节目是《朗读者》。 Li Ming’s favourite television is The Reader. 28.虽然和某些玩具分开她也感到难过,但我的女儿更懂事一些。 My daughter was more understanding, she also felt sad certain toys. 29.去年寒假,琳达在北京待了两个多星期。她想参观尽可能多的地方。 Last winter holiday, Linda stayed in Beijing for two weeks. She wanted to visit many places she can. 30.一些学生想出例如“国王或女王的一天”的好主意。 Some students great ideas, “King or Queen for a day”. 31.spend some time (in) doing sth. 花多少时间做某事 它们每天花12个小时以上吃这种植物。 They spend 12 hours this kind of plant a day. 32.一百多人去度假了。 one hundred people went on vacation. 33.艾丽斯几乎从不吃肉,因为她不喜欢肉的味道。 Alice eats meat because she doesn’t like the taste. 34.Maria, do you often (逛商店) 35.有时妈妈周末带我去购物。 Mum at with me. 36.她总是愿意倾听我的烦恼。 She listen to my problems. 37.我妈妈经常为我做些蛋糕。 My mother some cakes me. 38.熊猫有一个圆圆的身子。 The panda . 39.我的弟弟不得不晚上在家完成作业。 My brother finish his homework at home in the even ... ...

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