ID: 21375408

Unit 5 Dinner is ready Part B read and write课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:31002990B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit Five Dinner’s ready B Read and write (Dinner at home-John’s home) Let’s do Say out loud Tips: 大声说出你看到的单词。 soup soup noodles chicken beef vegetables chopsticks knife fork bowl spoon Lead in Dinner at home -John’s home Guess and say Today is John birthday. What would John like for dinner (今天是John的生日,他想吃什么晚餐呢?) Beef Chicken Cake Salad What would you like for dinner, John I’d like some beef, please. Would you like some noodles, too Yes, thank you. Can I have a knife and fork, please Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles. Read and tick Tips: 快速浏览对话,勾出对话中出现的食物和餐具。 Read and choose What would John like for dinner A. Beef and chicken B. Beef and noodles What would you like for dinner, John I’d like some beef, please. Would you like some noodles, too Yes, thank you. Tips: 仔细阅读图一、图二, 选出正确的答案。 Match and say Tips: 看图,连线。 Try chopsticks for noodles. Try knife and fork for beef. Read and fill What’s mum’s suggestion (妈妈的建议是什么?) Can I have a knife and fork, please Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles. Try_____for _____. chopsticks noodles Tips: 仔细阅读图三,完成填空。 ——— ——— 但是 尝试用筷子吃面条。 Listen and follow What would you like for dinner, John I’d like some beef, please. Would you like some noodles, too Yes, thank you. Can I have a knife and fork, please Yes, John, but try chopsticks for noodles. Tips: 听音,跟读。 读准确: 读大声: 读优美: Think and say Why John’s mum advice him to eat noodles in his birthday dinner. (为什么John的妈妈建议他在生日晚餐吃面条?) Chinese people eat noodles in their birthdays. It means long long. (中国人在生日时会吃长寿面,寓意长寿。) Listen and write John’s mother is calling John’s father. What would John’s father like for dinner What would you like for dinner Tips: 听音,完成填空。 I’d like some , and some . beef noodles vegetables Good to know The history of chopsticks Write about your dinner plan Tips: 写一写你生日想吃什么吧! I’d like some . In my . I’d like some , and . I can use_ . Word banks:soup, vegetables, noodles, cake, pizza(披萨),ice-cream, fish, strawberry(草莓), meat, tomato(西红柿), rice, candy... _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Word banks: (餐具) spoon, bowl, fork, knife, chopsticks... Sum-up Words(单词):beef, noodles, knife, fork, chopsticks. Sentences(句子): - What would you like for dinner - I’d like some beef, please. -But try chopsitcks for noodles. 我们应该保持健康饮食,多吃蔬菜和水果。 Homework 必做:1.朗读课文53页。 2.完成你家人晚餐计划表。 选做:1.阅读绘本故事《Can I have Beijing Roast Duck》。 Blackboard design B Read and write (Dinner at home-John’s home) Unit 5 Dinner’s ready I’d like some beef, noodles and some vegetables. Try chopsticks for noodles. Try knife and fork for beef. ... ...

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