
Module 9 Friendship Unit 1 Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?课件(共23张PPT,无音频)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:13次 大小:1189605Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 9 Unit 1 Could I ask if you’ve mentioned this to her 年 级:八年级下 学 科:英语(外研版) By the end of the class, you will be able to Module 9 Friendship Unit 1 Could I ask if you’ve mentioned this to her Learning Objectives 1. get a better mastery of words in unit 1; 2. get the main idea and some specific information of the text by using listening skills; 3. talk about the problems of friendship and try to find out the solutions. What’s his problem He has a problem with friendship. His friend is angry with him because he refused to play basketball with him. 拒绝 [r fju z] 在...(方面)有问题 how to solve How do you help him solve the problem 01 03 02 kinds of problems how to ask questions how to give advice Some childen have to from their parents. Some one has few friends, so he feels very . get lonely separated separate [ sep re t] 使分开 get separated from... 与...分离 lonely [ l nl ] 孤单的 1. kinds of problems Some one that he didn’t try his best to learn English. Some students have a bad relationship with their mother, because she is never with them. regretted patient patient [ pe nt] 有耐心的 be patient with... 对...耐心 regret [r ɡret] 后悔 The teacher misundertood the boy. He didn’t know how to . The boy a birthday party and made some new friends. He didn’t it to his best friend. joined in explain join in 参加(活动) mention [ men n] 提及 explain [ k sple n] 解释 mention Lingling is unhappy. Now, Lingling is calling to her friend. Let's see what will happen. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. 1. Lingling wants to speak to Betty / Mrs King. 2. Betty is in / out. 3. Betty’s friend / Mrs King’s friend works on the Friendship Helpline. P 72 Act.1 Task 1 helpline [ help la n] 服务热线 P 72 Act.2 a) I’m sorry, she’s not in at the moment. b) Is that Mrs King c) Could I speak to Betty, please d) May I have the number e) Can I take a message f) Thanks so much. Number the sentences in the order you hear them. 2 3 1 6 4 5 Task 2 predict: Who will Lingling ask for help Friendship Helpline Listen to the fist period and answer the following questions. 1. Why does Lingling make this call 2. Are Lingling and her best friend in the same school now Because she has a problem with her best friend and wants to get some help. Yes, they are. Task 3 Listen the second period carefully and choose the best answer. (   )1.How is Lingling’s best friend different A.She doesn’t talk with Lingling. B.She doesn’t like Lingling to see her other friends. C.She refuses to stay in touch with Lingling. (   )2.Why does Lingling’s best friend treat Lingling like that A.Because she has a new friend. B.Because she wants to hurt Lingling.    C.Because doesn’t feel very sure of herself in her new school. (   )3.What’s the helpline’s advice A.Be patient with her friend. B.Don’t see other friends any more. C.Leave her friend alone B Task 4 C A When you get (1) ... ...

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