ID: 21378038

Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 同步练习(含答案,含听力原文,无音频)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:21494B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father. 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 ( )1. A. an hour B. one hour C. our ( )2. A. a lot of B. lots of C. a lot ( )3. A. thirty B. three C. thirteen ( )4. A. buy B. bought C. buys ( )5. A. photo B. pictures C. photos 二、听录音,判断句意正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Amy went to the London Bridge. ( )2. Lingling didn't visit the Great Wall at the weekend. ( )3. Tom went to the British Museum by bus yesterday. ( )4.——— Did Daming go to the park yesterday ——— No, he didn't. ( )5. Sam took some photos in the park. 三、 听对话和问题,选择正确答语。 ( )1. A. They went to Beidaihe. B. They went to Beijing. ( )2. A. It took them two hours. B. It took them three hours. ( )3. A. They went there by car. B. They went there by train. ( )4. A. Yes, he did. B. No, they didn't. ( )5. A. They took photos of the plants. B. They took photos of the sea animals. 四、圈出画线部分发音不同的单词。 1. farm class arrive 2. lot photo old 3. took cool book 4. walk| morning of 5. house soup mouth 五、选词填空。 1. Amy ( goes/ went) to the Great Wall last weekend. 2. Then they walked for two ( hour/ hours). 3. Daming ( take/ took) two photos of his father. 4. They went to Badaling ( by/ on) bus. 5. I didn't take ( some/ any) photos. 6. Last night we ( see/ saw) a cat under the tree. 六、根据首字母及上下文的提示补全句子。 1. The Great W is old and famous in the world. 2. I took a photo f my mum at the zoo. 3. She went to school w her friends in the morning. 4. He a here at half past eight yesterday. 5. We can see lots of green p in the park. 七、读一读,猜一猜。 1. It's a very old and very long wall. It's famous and strong. It's in Beijing. What is it 2. It can make oxygen(氧气) for people. Lots of them are green. What is it 3. It's a very high hill with rocks on it. People like to climb it. What is it 4. We often put it on the wall or in the room to know the time. What is it 八、阅读埃米的周末日记,选择正确的答案。 June 19, Sunday On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. Then I went to the library with my friend Lingling by bus. In the afternoon, I visited my grandparents. I bought them some fresh fruit. My grandma made a big dinner for me. And we took some pictures happily. On Sunday morning, I did my homework and read a storybook. In the afternoon, I went to a park with my parents. We rode a bike for three people. We bought some gifts. Dad and I played football together. The weekend was busy but lovely! ( )1. Amy didn't on Saturday afternoon. A. visit her grandparents B. do homework C. buy some fresh fruit ( )2. Amy and Lingling went to the library . A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot ( )3. Amy read a storybook . A. on Sunday afternoon B. on Sunday morning C. on Saturday afternoon ( )4. Amy went to a park . A. with Lingling B. by herself C. with her parents ( )5. It was a weekend. A. very busy B. busy but lovely C. easy and lovely 答案 一、1. They walked along the river for one hour. 2. There were lots of people in the park. 3. I did my homework ... ...

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