ID: 21381041


日期:2024-10-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:62次 大小:18314B 来源:二一课件通
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小学特殊句式 感叹句 1.选词填空 What How What a What an (1) nice the skirt is! (2) hot it is today ! (3) big horses they are! (4) interesting book it is! (5) clever boy he is! (6) clever the boy is! (7) hard Jack works! (8) fast Peter runs ! (9) fine day it is! (10) nice pictures they are! 疑问句 在下面的横线上填上恰当的疑问词。 how long where how many when how tall which why whose how much who how far what how old how how heavy (1)- is the weather like today -It's sunny. (2)- pen is it -It's Mary's. (3)- does Lucy come to school -She comes to school by car. (4)- is your jacket -It's 100 yuan. (5)- is Lucy from -She's from Australia. (6)- are you -I'm eleven years old. (7)- are you -I'm 155 cm. (8)- are you -I'm 60 kg. (9)- boys are there in your class -There are twelve. (10) boy is your brother -The one in a red cap. (11)- is your maths teacher -Mr Chen is my maths teacher. (12)- is it -It's about 50kilometres. (13) did you stay in America -For two weeks. (14) does your father go to work -At 8:30 a.m. (15)- do you like winter -Because I can skate. There be 句型 选择正确的词填空。 (1)There (is/are)seven days in a week. (2)There (is/are)some milk in the fridge. (3)There (is/isn't)any money in his pocket. (4)There (is/was)a bridge three years ago. (5) (Is/Are)there any apples on the table (6)There (is/are)a Chinese book and three maths books in my bag. (7)There (are/aren't)any sheep at this farm. (8)There (is/are)some bread for you. 答案 感叹句 1.选词填空 What How What a What an (1) nice the skirt is! (2) hot it is today ! (3) big horses they are! (4) interesting book it is! (5) clever boy he is! (6) clever the boy is! (7) hard Jack works! (8) fast Peter runs ! (9) fine day it is! (10) nice pictures they are! 1.(1)How(2)How (3)What(4)What an(5)What a (6)How(7)How (8)How (9)What a(10)What 疑问句 在下面的横线上填上恰当的疑问词。 how long where how many when how tall which why whose how much who how far what how old how how heavy (1)- is the weather like today -It's sunny. (2)- pen is it -It's Mary's. (3)- does Lucy come to school -She comes to school by car. (4)- is your jacket -It's 100 yuan. (5)- is Lucy from -She's from Australia. (6)- are you -I'm eleven years old. (7)- are you -I'm 155 cm. (8)- are you -I'm 60 kg. (9)- boys are there in your class -There are twelve. (10) boy is your brother -The one in a red cap. (11)- is your maths teacher -Mr Chen is my maths teacher. (12)- is it -It's about 50kilometres. (13) did you stay in America -For two weeks. (14) does your father go to work -At 8:30 a.m. (15)- do you like winter -Because I can skate. (1)What (2)Whose (3)How (4)How much (5)Where (6)How old (7)How tall (8)How heavy (9)How many (10)Which (11)Who (12)How far (13)How long(14)When (15)Why There be 句型 1.选择正确的词填空。(16分) (1)There (is/are)seven days in a week. (2)There (is/are)some milk in the fridge. (3)There (is/isn't)any money in his pocket. (4)There (is/was)a bridge three years ago. (5) (Is/Are)there any apples on the table (6)Ther ... ...

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