ID: 21387611

Unit 7 At weekends (基础+进阶+拔尖) 分层作业(含解析)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:11次 大小:163128B 来源:二一课件通
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    五年级同步个性化分层作业 unit7 一.阅读理解(共5小题) 1.(2022秋 徐州期中)At weekends,some people like to stay at home,some like to go out to play.My brother Leo works in a factory during(在…期间) the day.At weekends he always does the same thing.On Saturday he drives his car to a farm with our families.Our uncle and aunt have a large farm.We can do a lot of things there.My brother and my parents help to do farm work.I help to give food to their animals.At the end(结束) of the day,we all feel hungry.My uncle and aunt give us a big meal.We enjoy(享受) the weekend on their farm. (1)Leo works   . A.on a farm a school a factory an office (2)My family go   at weekends. a farm the beach a factory a school (3)My uncle is a   . A.teacher B.student C.worker D.farmer (4)I   on the farm. to do farm work my homework football D.feed(喂) the animals (5)We go to the farm   . A.on foot bus car bike. 2.(2021秋 孟州市期末)Miss Gao is our teacher.She likes to tell us about her weekends.She usually gets up early on Saturday.She exercises in the garden for about half an hour.Then she has her breakfast.She doesn't do housework in the morning.She often plays with her dog for about two hours in the park.The dog runs,barks and jumps happily.She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home.She doesn't take a bus home.She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her neighbours.In the afternoon,she cleans her house.She often cooks dinner for herself.Then she watches TV.She enjoys her weekends very much. (1)Miss Gao____ early and____ in the garden on Saturday.    A.get up;exercise B.gets up;exercises C.gets up;exercise (2)She doesn't    in the morning. A.get up B.have breakfast housework (3)Who does she play with in the park ?    A.Her neighbours B.Her dog C.Her teacher (4)She   in the afternoon. A.exercises B.cleans her house TV (5)She often_____ for_____.    A.walks;her neighbours TV;herself C.cooks dinner;herself 3.阅读短文,选择合适的选项。 Linda is a student.She lives in Shanghai.She is twelve.She studies at Guangming Primary School.She goes to school from Monday to Friday.In the morning,she usually gets up at six and goes to school at seven.She has lunch at school.After lunch,she likes going to the library.In the afternoon,she usually has three lessons.She likes Art and English very much.In the evening,she likes chatting on the Internet.She usually goes to bed at nine.On Sundays,she usually helps her mother with the housework. (1)Linda lives in    . A.Tianjin B.Beijing C.Shanghai (2)She     from Monday to Friday. A.goes to school B.goes to work C.goes to bed (3)In the morning,she usually gets up at     . B.six C.five (4)She has lunch at    . A.home (5)In the evenin ... ...

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