ID: 21387831

Unit 7 At weekends 教学设计

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:95次 大小:19690B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit7 At weekends 第一课时 教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读词汇和动词短语:usually, often, always, sometimes, chat on the Internet, fly a kite, go to the cinema, have a picnic, visit one’s grandparents, at weekends等; 2. 能在情境中整体感知对话内容,并能明确故事中人物的周末活动; 3. 能够较准确地朗读课文,并在教师的指导下尝试表演; 4. 能尝试以第一人称方式复述表演课文中每个人的周末活动。 教学重、难点: 1. 初步理解三会词汇和动词短语,掌握词汇发音; 2. 初步感知频度副词always, sometimes 和usually 的区别和用法。 教具准备: 单词卡片,人物图片,多媒体 教学过程: Step1 Lead-in 出示日历,T: What day is it S1: It’s Saturday. T: What day is it S2: It’s Sunday. T: Do you go to school on Saturdays and Sundays T: No, we don’t go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. We can also say we don’t go to school at weekends. 教授“at weekends” We don’t go to school at weekends, so we can do a lot of interesting activities at weekends. Step2 Presentation 1. T: Today we’ll learn Unit7 At weekends. At weekends you don’t go to school. What do you do at weekends (师先提问几位学生) Now talk with your partner. You can use the sentence patterns: What do you do at weekends I often… I usually… 找两三组学生对话。 T:Do you want to know about my weekends Who can ask me S1: What do you do at weekends T: I often visit my grandparents.教授“visit”, “grandparents”. S2: What do you do at weekends T: I usually chat on the Internet.教授短语“chat on the Internet” S3:What do you do at weekends T:I sometimes watch TV.教授“sometimes” S4: What do you do at weekends T: I always read books.教授 “always”. 2.呈现几个频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes. We call the four words adverb frequency. Can you order them according to their frequency level Let’s talk about it in groups. 3. T: We have talked about our weekends. What about our friends Look, our friends Mike and Su Hai are talking about their weekends. What do they do at weekends Read the dialogue by yourselves and then answer me. 4.生自读后汇报 5.1)Learn and say. 总结,教授短语 2)Watch the cartoon and then answer the following questions. (1) T: Does Mike usually visit his grandparents Why S: Because his grandparents live in the UK. So Mike usually chats with them on the Internet. (2) What does Mike do at weekends 3) Read and match Step3 consolidation 6. Read after the recorder. 7. Act it out. 8. Look and write Fill in the blanks in page70. Step4 Summary T: At weekends, we should do something useful. For example, we can read books at weekends. We can help our parents do some housework. What else can we do at weekends S: We can have a picnic with our family… Step5 Homework 1. 听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文。 2. 复述Mike,Helen和Su Yang的周末生活. 5A Unit7 At weekends反思 Story time在整个教学过程中,练习的内容不要局限性,教师可根据学生已学的知识情况,利用图片对练习内容进行拓展。但值得注意的是,拓展的内容应与本单元教学重难点相扣,并与生活实际紧密联系。此外,我们还要实现语言从课内到课外的延伸,充分利用学校,家庭 ... ...

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