ID: 21391912

Unit 6 At the snack bar 单元测试(含解析)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:35次 大小:532992B 来源:二一课件通
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四年级同步经典题精练之 unit 6 一.选择题(共5小题) 1.(2023春 灌云县期末)Sam's father has some_____now.(  ) B.fishs C.a fish 2.(2022秋 平山县期末)It's seven o'clock in the morning. It's time for _____. (  ) A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner 3.(2022秋 海门市期末)_____ would you like?(  ) A.What B.Where C.How 4.(2022秋 海门市期末)﹣Can I help you? ﹣ _____. (  ) A.Some caps, please B.Thank you C.Yes, you can 5.(2022秋 睢宁县校级期中)﹣What do you_____ ? ﹣I have some toy planes.(  ) A.have C.can 二.填空题(共6小题) 6.(2023春 灌云县期末)﹣Would you like some    (noodle) for lunch? ﹣Yes!Thank you. 7.(2017秋 东台市校级月考)I'd like some    (fish fishes) for lunch. 8.That boy would like three     (sandwich). 9.I want    ice cream and    orange orange.(a) 10.There are four    (glass) of    (milk) on the table. 11.I would like    (have) some    (glass) of apple juice. 三.连词成句(共4小题) 12.(2023秋 金乡县期末)you what like would (?)     13.(2021秋 阿城区期末)hungry am I    . 14.连词成句. about a of what glass juice (?)    15.a glass of I'd orange like juice(.)     四.句型转换(共5小题) 16.(2022秋 海安市期末)Here is an egg.The egg is for Bobby.(合并成一句)     17.(2022秋 海安市期末)Can I help you?(做肯定回答)    . 18.(2022秋 海门市期末)This is a big cake.(改为感叹句)    big    ! 19.(2022秋 海门市期末)I have three glasses of milk.(对划线部分提问)    of milk    you    ? 20.(2022秋 海门市期末)I like milk,too.(改为否定句) I    milk,    . 五.解答题(共5小题) 21.从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。 A.I don't like coffee. B.Anything else? C.I'd like a sandwich. D.Here's a snack bar. A:I'm hungry. B: (1)    A:Great.Let's go. B:What would you like? A:(2)    What about you? B:Me too. (3)    A:A cup of coffee,please. B:(4)    I'd like a glass of juice. A:OK. 22.从Ⅱ栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句。 I Ⅱ (1)What food do you like?     A.Yes,I do. (2)Look at this box.     B.She's behind the door. (3)Do you like apple juice?     C.Yes,please. (4)Where's Mrs Fox?     D.How big! (5)Would you like some water?     E.I like noodles. 23.从Ⅱ栏中选出与I栏句子相对应的答句。 I Ⅱ (1)What do you like?     A.Let's go to buy some snacks. (2)Would you like some noodles?     B.No.I like green pears. (3)What would you like?     C.I'd like some fish. (4)Do you like yellow pears?     D.No,thanks.I'm not hungry. (5)Here's a snack bar.     E.I like milk tea. 24.根据上下文提示完成对话。 Dad: (1)   would you (2)   ,Mike? Mike: (3)   ice cream,please. Dad: (4)   about (5)   ,Nancy? Nancy: (6)   too. Dad: (7)   ice (8)   ,please. Waitress:OK. (9)   you are. Mike & Nancy: (10)   . 25.看图,读句子,将序号填在图片中对应的气泡内 1.Here's a snack bar.I'd like some fish. 2 ... ...

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