ID: 21392034

Unit 4What can you do? Part C story time 表格式教案

日期:2024-11-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:58次 大小:22762B 来源:二一课件通
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课 题 PEP 五上 Unit 4 What can you do 教学内容 五上 Unit 4 What can you do Story time 课时安排 第7课时 共 7课时 教学目标 基础目标 能够利用上下文、插图以及生活经验理解单词和句子的意思,如:tasty,wait a minute, lake. Don't throw me into the lake, please! Silly snake! 能够在图片的帮助下提取故事主要信息,理解故事大意。 能够复习巩固本单元的核心句型What can you do Can you... 提升目标 能够模仿、朗读故事并表演故事。 能够根据故事中角色的特点进行点评,发表自己的看法。 能够根据故事发展预测故事的情节,并且给故事起名字。 学习策略 带着问题,去读故事,根据理解去判断。 教学重难点 重点:理解故事 难点:学生能够分段表演故事,但是台词回比较难记 教具学具 PPT 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1 Warming up (5’) 1.Play the song: Yes, I can. 2.What animals are in this songs What can they do 3.Ask Ss to talk about what can they do 1.Try to sing 2.The bird can’t clap/can fly. The elephant can’t fly/can stomp. The fish can’t stomp/can swim. The gorilla can’t swim/can climb. The buffalo can’t climb/can run. 3.What can you do I can _____. 动物的主题与课文主题相关,一到学生去关注不同动物的本能。另外在讨论动物能做什么的话题时,自然过度到老师的简笔画,出现主人公 the rat. Step 2. Presentation & Practice (25’) 1.Talk about the rat I can draw cartoons. T在板书画出呈现今天的主角. What can the rat do How do you think of the rat 2.Make some questions about the story. Today we will learn a story about the rat. What do you want to know about the story You can try to ask some questions. 3.Ask Ss to look at the picture1-4,and answer their questions. Who are in the story Where is the rat (学生问不出来的问题,老师来问并将问句板书在黑板上) Show the information on the Bb 4.Play the flash of pic 1 What is the rat doing How is the rat What happened to the rat How is the snake 5. Ask Ss to look at picture 2 and guess The snake catches the rat. What will the rat say 6.Play the flash of pic 2-4 What does the snake do How is the rat What can the rat do Ask Ss to act pic 1-4 T first.一人演两个角色。(小手偶) 7.Ask Ss to guess about the ending. 8. Ask Ss to watch the flash and talk about the story. What happened at last How is the rat How is the snake Why does the rat say” I can’t swim” How do you think of the snake and rat Talk is very important. When you are in danger. What should you do 9.Ask Ss to give a name for the story. 1.Talk about the rat. The cat can run/eat/swim… I think the rat is ugly/scary/dirty/… 2.Make some questions about the story. Make questions with “what, where, how,who” 3.Look at the picture1-4, and answer the questions. Look and say. 4.Watch and answer pick up flowers happy The snake see the rat. Happy 5. look at picture 2 and guess Dear snake ,_____. 6. Watch and answer catch the rat afraid sing/dance Act picture 1-4 学生分角色用手偶演 7. Guess the ending. 8. Watch the flash and talk about the story. The rat run away./The rat is happy. The snake throw away the rat.He is angry. Because he want the snake to throw him./… The snake / rat is _____. Think ... ...

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