背诵版 单词 音标 含义 例句 meaning / mi n / 意思 What is the meaning of life dialogue / da l g/ 对话 They had a long dialogue about their relationship. successful /s k s sf l/ 成功的 He is a successful businessman. missing / m s / 丢失的 My phone is missing. survey / s ve / 调查 We conducted a survey of the students' opinions. neighbour / ne b (r)/ 邻居 My neighbour is a kind old man. universe / ju n v s/ 宇宙 The universe is vast and mysterious. Albert Einstein / alb rt a nsta n/ 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 Albert Einstein is a famous physicist. lifetime / la f ta m/ 一生 He lived a long and successful lifetime. solve /s lv/ 解决 I need to solve this problem. theory / θ i/ 理论 The theory of relativity is one of the most important theories in physics. relativity /r l t v ti/ 相对性,相对论 Einstein's theory of relativity changed our understanding of the universe. Switzerland / sw ts rl nd/ 瑞士 Switzerland is a beautiful country in Europe. pioneer / pa n / 先驱 He was a pioneer in the field of AI. Nobel / n b l/ 诺贝尔奖 He won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Princeton / pr n st n/ 普林斯顿 Princeton University is a prestigious university in the United States. nuclear / nju kli r/ 核的 Nuclear weapons are very dangerous. weapon / w p n/ 武器 He was armed with a nuclear weapon. conclusion / k nklu n/ 结论 The conclusion of the study is that there is a link between smoking and cancer. false /f ls/ 错误的 The information you provided is false. peanut / pi n t/ 花生 Peanuts are a popular snack. hybrid / ha br d/ 混合的,杂交的 A hybrid car is a car that uses both gasoline and electricity. variety /v ra ti/ 品种,多样性 There is a variety of foods to choose from at the supermarket. introduction / ntr d k n/ 引进,采用 The introduction of the new product was a success. leader / li d / 领导人 He is the leader of the country. production /pr d k n/ 生产 The production of cars is a major industry in the United States. produce /pr dju s/ 生产 They produce a variety of fruits and vegetables. super / su p / 超级的 This is a super-fast computer. 默写版 单词 音标 含义 例句 / mi n / 意思 What is the _____ of life / da l g/ 对话 They had a long _____ about their relationship. /s k s sf l/ 成功的 He is a _____ businessman. / m s / 丢失的 My phone is _____. / s ve / 调查 We conducted a _____ of the students' opinions. / ne b (r)/ 邻居 My _____ is a kind old man. / ju n v s/ 宇宙 The _____ is vast and mysterious. / alb rt a nsta n/ 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 _____ is a famous physicist. / la f ta m/ 一生 He lived a long and successful _____. /s lv/ 解决 I need to _____ this problem. / θ i/ 理论 The _____ of relativity is one of the most important theories in physics. /r l t v ti/ 相对性,相对论 Einstein's theory of _____ changed our understanding of the universe. / sw ts rl nd/ 瑞士 _____ is a beautiful country in Europe. / pa n / 先驱 He was a _____ in the field of AI. / n b l/ 诺贝尔奖 He won the _____ Prize in Physics. / pr n st n/ 普林斯顿 _____ University is a prestigious univer ... ...