ID: 21397506


日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:54次 大小:51632B 来源:二一课件通
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句子成分 一、主语 (1)划出下列句子主语 1.The villagers didn’t realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died. 2. It is not good manners for Arabs to stand close talking to their friends. 3. Four plus four is eight. 4. Cleaning the house needs a lot of time. 5. To do morning exercises this morning is not good for your health. 6.What I need most is that someone helps me. 7. The rich should help the poor. 什么情况下用it 作形式主语 当_____ _____或在某个句子中作主语时,为保持句子结构前后平衡,避免头重脚轻,因此常用作形式主语置于句首,而将真正的主语放在句尾。此时_____只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。 (2)你能划出下列句子的真正的主语吗 你懂得翻译下列句子吗 1.It is wrong to tell a lie. ( ) 2.It is no use arguing about it. ( ) 3.It is uncertain who will come. ( ) 谓语 划出下列句子的谓语 1. Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast 2. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world. 3.You can't park here-it's a no parking zone. 4. I'll go and move away the bag. 5. I feel tired all the time. 6. Don't laugh at others! 一个句子在没有连词连接的情况下,有且只有一个谓语。 He left a shy boy and returned a young father. 表语 划出下列句子的表语 1.Everybody is here. 2.My father is a professor. 3.Who's that It's me. 4. Paper-cutting is a traditional art form in China. 5.The match became very exciting. 6.The story of my life may be of help to others. 7.Three times five is fifteen. 8.His plan is to seek work in the city. 9.My first idea was that you should hide your feelings. 宾语 划出下列句子的宾语 1.She covered her face with her hands. 2.We haven't seen her for a long time. 3.Do you mind opening the window 4.Give me four please. 5.He wants to dream a nice dream. 6.We needn’t know what others are doing. 7.We should care more about our friends. 8. Give the poor man some money. 补语 划出下列句子的补语 1. His father named him Daming. 2.We try to make our country strong. 3.We found everything in good order there. 4.1 should advise you to get the chance. 5.I saw him going upstairs. 6.They found the house broken in. 7.We keep the dog out. 8.We will soon make our city what your city is now. 定语 划出下列句子的定语 1.The pen bought by her is made in China. 2.They are women workers. 3.Tom's father didn't write home until yesterday. 4.Mary is a beautiful girl. 5.The play has three acts. 6.This is her first trip to go to Europe. 7.China is a developing country. 8.1 have nothing to eat. 9.Those who want to go to Tibet are to sign their names here. 10.The girl in red is his sister. 状语 划出下列句子的状语 1. I will go there tomorrow. 2.The meeting will be held in the meeting room. 3. The meat went bad because of the hot weather. 4. He studies hard to learn English well. 5.The students came into the classroom, singing and dancing. 6. He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam. 7. I like some of you very much. 8. If you study hard, you will pass the exam. 9. He goes to school by bike. 10.Though he is young, he can do it well. 同 ... ...

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