Unit4 Listening and Speaking 课时内容 Share views on historic sites 主题语境:人与社会 主题群:历史、社会与文化 子主题:分享交流对历史遗迹的看法 语篇类型:听力文本、对话 文本分析:听力文本是一位英国学生前往孔庙时与一位中国学生的对话。英国学生William 去孔庙游览时,向中国学生Xiao Kong问路。Xiao Kong正好要去孔庙与研究小组成员会面, 于是两人一路同行,交流了对孔庙、孔子、孔子后裔及孔子教育思想等方面的看法与观点。 学生通过听对话体会、思考孔子及其思想对中国历史传统的深远影响。 课时目标 学完本课后,学生能够: 1. 了解曲阜关于孔子的历史遗址及其重要性。 2.获取并梳理对话中有关孔子及其教育思想的事实性信息并进行概括整合。 3.分享自己对孔子教育思想的了解及看法。 4.获取对话中的英语习语及相应的解释。 5.提高在听的过程中猜测单词意义的能力。 6. 谈论历史遗迹和伟人,简要探讨和表述孔子教育思想及文化遗迹的重要历史价值。 重点难点 重点 1.能够使学生意识到习语在英语学习和文化理解中的重要性,引导学生通过上下文猜测习 语的意思,并养成在日常学习中积累习语知识的习惯。 2.能够使学生通过联想、类比和分析,比较深入地理解孔子及其教育思想对中国历史传统、 思想文化等的重要影响。 难点 1.加强学生的文化意识,引导学生树立正确的历史观。 2.感悟历史、传统、文化、习俗等对语言理解和表达的重要影响。 3. 分享自己对孔子教育思想的了解及看法。 教学准备 教师准备 1.提前搜集关于曲阜、孔庙、孔府和孔林的背景资料和语言素材。 2. 搜集有关孔子教育思想的英文句子。 3. 搜集一些学生熟知的英语习语并进行英汉对比。 4.准备好相关教学设备。 学生准备 1.预习本课的相关词汇,利用网络了解孔子及其教育思想的相关知识。 2. 了解英语习语及其相关的文化典故知识。 精彩课堂 StepI 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 1.Background. (1)Ask students to look at the picture and answer the questions. ·Who is this person ·What do you know about this person Suggested answers: ·Confucius. ·Confucius is a great educator in China. (2)Ask students to discuss the following questions. ·Do you know Qufu ·What do you know about it Suggested answers: ·Yes. ·Qufu is a city in Shandong Province.Qufu,located in southwestern Shandong Province,is the hometown of the well-known Chinese philosopher Confucius.The three most famous cultural sites of the city,known as "San Kong",have been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994. 2.Ask students to look at some photos of Qufu and share what they can say about these places.(Activity 1) Suggested answers: Temple of Confucius:The most famous and largest temple honouring the great sage,it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.It covers 16,000 square metres and has 460 rooms.The main part consists of nine courtyards with several gates.Dacheng Hall stands at the centre and is the principal place for offering sacrifices to Confucius. Kong Family Mansion:Located to the east of the Temple of Confucius,this was the historical home of the descendants of Confucius from where they managed sites and ceremonies in Qufu. Today it is a museum. Cemetery of Confucius:This is where Confucius and his descendants are buried.There are more than 10,000 of them,buried here over 2,000 years.The cemetery has had many renovations and e ... ...
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