ID: 21411411

Unit 5 Our new home 单元测试 (含答案及听力音频,听力原文)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:49次 大小:6423633B 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025小学英语四年级(上册) 第五单元测试卷 班级:_____ 姓名:_____ 得_____分 第一部分 听力(30分) 一、听句子或对话,选出所听到的内容。(5分) ( ) 1. A. bed B. bedroom C. bathroom ( ) 2. A. friend B. orange C. fridge ( )3. A. table B. desk C. chair ( ) 4. A. happy B. hungry C. hurry ( ) 5. A. a clock B. a cap C. a picture 二、听句子,选择合适的应答语。(5分) ( )1. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, please. C. It's nice. ( ) 2. A. It's in the living room. B. He's in the bedroom. C. She's in the kitchen. ( )3. A. It's in the bedroom. B. They're in the bedroom. C. They're your skirts. ( ) 4. A. Yes, it's on the table. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, please. ( ) 5. A. That's all. B. Thank you. C. I'm hungry. 三、听对话,将物品与其所在位置连线。(10分) 四、听短文,补全空缺内容。(10分) Welcome to my 1. _____. Look! This is a 2. _____ and that is a 3. _____. I have many 4. _____. They are in the5. _____, under the 6. _____. There is a 7. _____ in the 8. _____9. _____. And we have a big 10. _____. I love it. 第二部分 笔试(70分) 五、选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ( ) 1. A. make B. clock C. tiger ( )2. A. bike B. like C. big ( ) 3. A. kitchen B. come C. nice ( )4. A. sure B. swim C. sofa ( ) 5. A. home B. bedroom C. very 六、根据图片或中文提示,补全句子或对话。(10分) 1. Lily has a small _____. It's clean and nice. 2. Tom is in the _____. He is washing his face. 3. Look at the _____ on the wall. It's three o’ clock. 4. The bag is on the _____(桌子). 5. —Mum, I'm hungry. —We have some noodles in the _____(厨房). 七、选词填空。(10分) 1. Her skirts are _____( on/ of ) the sofa. 2. _____( Look / Look at) my cap. It's beautiful. 3. —Where _____( are/ is ) my books —They are in the desk. 4. —Is the robot in the kitchen —No,_____( it/ they) isn't. 5. —Where is my skirt —_____( They're / It's) on the bed. 八、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. I have a . I like . A. doll; doll B. dolls; doll C. doll; dolls ( )2.— balls do you have —Seven. A. How old B. How many C. What about ( )3.—Where is your aunt — in the living room. A. She B. She's C. He’s ( )4.—Do you have apple —No. But I have oranges. A. a; an B. an;some C. an; any ( )5.—What a nice mango —No, thanks. A. is B. are C. about ( )6.—Can Mike play table tennis —Yes, . A. I can B. he can't C. he can ( )7.— the skirts on the bed —No, they . A. Is; isn't B. Are; are C. Are;aren't ( )8. The boy likes to his bike and the girl likes her kite. A. ride; to fly B. rides;fly C. riding; flying ( )9.— you like a pineapple — , please. A. Would; No B. Do;Yes C. Would; Yes ( )10.—Where the chickens —On the farm. A. is B./ C. are 九、读句子或对话,选择与句意相符的图片并将其选项填在括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. Come and have a look. This new home is clean and nice. ( ) 2. My football is behind the sofa. ( )3. —Mum, where's my red skirt —It's on your bed. ( )4. —Is the cake on the table —No, it's on the chair. ( ) 5. —What would you like —I'd like a fruit salad. 十、根据首字母和图片提示,补全对 ... ...

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