ID: 21413053

Unit 5 Dinner's ready Part B 同步练(含答案)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:72次 大小:66580B 来源:二一课件通
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人教PEP版小学英语四年级上册Unit 5 Dinner’s ready Part B练习题 一、将下列单词归类。序号填在横线上。 A.bread B.rice C.knife D.milk E.chopsticks F.fork G.juice H.Coke I.chicken J.spoon 1.食物: 2.餐具: 3.饮料: 二、选出下列各题中与其他两项不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.knife B.cut C.fork ( )2.A.bowl B.use C.spoon ( )3.A.beef B.chicken C.knife ( )4.A.use B.try C.spoon ( ) B.rice C.bowl 三、单项选择 ( )1.Pass a fork. A.I C.with ( )2.I can the spoon. C.use ( )3.Try chopsticks noodles. A.on B.for C.with ( )4.--What would you like for breakfast --I’d like some and two . A.milk,egg B.milks,eggs C.milk,eggs ( )5.--Can I have some rice,please -- A.Thanks. B.Sure. C.Let me try. ( )6.I’m . What’s for dinner A.tall B.hungry C.nice 四、情景交际 ( )1.同学来你家做客,吃饭时,你让他随便吃,应该说: A.Can I help you? B.Help yourself. ( )2.吃饭时,你想知道朋友是否想要一把叉子,应该说: A.Would you like a fork B.Would you like a knife ( )3.你想表达自己会用筷子,应该说: A.Can I use chopsticks B.I can use chopsticks. ( )4.妈妈招呼大家来吃晚饭,应该说: A.Dinner’s ready. B.Lunch’s ready. ( )5.你想让别人把勺子递给你,你应该说: A.Pass me the spoon. B.Pass me the bowl. 五、将下面的英语句子和相应的汉语翻译连线。 1.Anything else A.午餐吃什么? 2.Help yourself. B.让我们尝尝吧。 3.Here’s your bill. C.这是你的账单。 4.Let’s try it. D.还要点什么吗? 5.What’s for lunch E.随便吃吧。 六、补全对话。 Mike:I’m hungry. Zhang Peng:1. Mike:I’d like some noodles. Zhang Peng:Here you are.2. Mike:Thanks. Zhang Peng:3. Mike:No,thanks.4. Zhang Peng:Would you like some soup Mike:5. A.I can use chopsticks. B.Help yourself. C.Would you like a knife and fork D.What would you like for lunch E.Yes,please. 七、阅读对话,在表格中的相应位置画“√”。 Chen Jie:What would you like for dinner, Mike Mike:I’d like some beef and soup. Chen Jie:What would you like,John John:Some noodles,fish and chicken. Chen Jie:What about you,Sarah Sarah:I’d like some chicken,rice and soup. Name Food beef soup fish rice chicken noodles Mike John Sarah 八、小朋友,请你动手设计一份菜单,在方框里画一画菜单上的食物,在横线上正确书写食物的英语名称,并在括号里标明食物的价格,最后试着用英语介绍一下这份菜单吧! Meat(肉类) Drinks(饮料) Vegetables(蔬菜) Fruit(水果) 参考答案: 一、1.A B I 2. C E F J 3.D G H B B C C B B C B C B B B A B A A 1. D 2. E 3.C 4.B 5.A D B C A E Name Food beef soup fish rice chicken noodles Mike √ √ John √ √ √ Sarah √ √ √

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