ID: 21415360

【原创新课标公开课】Unit 3 What would you like PA let's learn课件+单元整体教案+练习+动画素材(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:88次 大小:106688389B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 What would you like PA Let's learn 人教PEP 五年级上册 授课人:*** 时间:XX.XX.XX Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future. A+ 学习能力目标 能听,说,读,写5个食物或饮品名词并能正确谈论想要吃什么喝什么。 语言知识目标 通过Sarah 和妈妈的对话,能熟练运用所学词汇和句型谈论想要吃什么喝什么。 思维能力目标 了解英语的语言表达,培养学生用英语思维进行简单沟通,能运用所学内容进行简单的英语交际。 文化品格目标 通过游戏和小组合作等活动,学会与他人合作学习的能力并体会不同的语言魅力,促进心智发展。 核 心 素 养 目 标 崔老师优质课件 I'm hungry. What would you like to eat A sandwich, please. OK! What would you like to drink I'd like some water. I'm thirsty. Here you are. Thanks. Presentation Revision Sarah's dad comes back home. Sarah's dad comes back home. Try to role play sandwich sandwich water water Lead in Where are they Where are they A. At home. B. At the restaurant. What can you see on the table 崔老师优质课件 tea Presentation tea 是不可数名词哦 hot tea 热茶 green tea 绿茶 Presentation I’d like some black tea. What would you like to drink 红茶 崔老师优质课件 Presentation hamburger hamburger 分音节,记单词更牢. one hamburger three hamburgers Presentation 复数加s I’d like a hamburger. What would you like to eat 崔老师优质课件 sandwich Presentation sandwich 分音节,记单词更牢. one sandwich two sandwiches Presentation 复数加es I’d like two sandwiches. What would you like to eat 崔老师优质课件 What would you like _____ to eat I’d like two _____ and three _____. sandwiches hamburgers Presentation 崔老师优质课件 Presentation ice cream 冰 奶油 崔老师优质课件 What would you like _____ to eat I’d like a sandwich and some ice cream. ice cream 既是可数,又是不可数名词,泛指冰淇淋时是不可数的,指具体一个或一份冰淇淋时是可数的 Presentation 崔老师优质课件 Presentation salad salad 是不可数名词哦 ice cream sandwich salad salad hamburger tea sandwich Game time salad hamburger sandwich Sharp eyes tea sandwich salad ice cream hamburger Presentation What can you see on the table What can you see on the table 两人一组, 角色扮演,轮流问答练习对话! What would you like to ____ eat _____, please. I'd like a sandwich Presentation Listen and spell. 听音拼出单词 1 2 3 4 5 tea sandwich hamburger ice cream salad Practice Food Drink eat drink 饮料 喝 Practice Food Drink eat drink 饮料 喝 I'd like a/an/some.... What would you like to eat ? /drink Practice Tea, tea, tea. I’d like some tea. Salad, salad, salad.I’d like some salad. Ice cream, ice cream. I’d like some ice cream. Hamburger, hamburger.I’d like two hamburgers. Sandwich, sandwich. I’d like two sandwiches. Chant and say. Practice I’d like some tea. What would you like to eat I’d like a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger… What would you like to drink Zoom’s order Food: Drink: a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger some tea Presentation _____’s order Food: Drink: Pair work What would you like to eat/drink I’d like... 快乐对 ... ...

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