ID: 21417828


日期:2024-10-10 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:433367B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年人教版九年级上册英语期中专题训练∶补全对话 Ann: Hi, Leo! You look sad. What’s wrong Leo: 1 I didn’t do well in it. Ann: Poor you. 2 . Leo: Yes. I try to write an article in English every day. Ann: 3 What else Leo: Nothing more. What should I do Ann: 4 Leo: Good idea. My teacher will be glad to help us. Ann: Joining in an English club is also a good way. Leo: I will try it. 5 I feel much better now. Thank you. Ann: You’re welcome. A.Pretty good. B.It’s very nice of you. C.Did you try to do anything D.I am worried about my English. E.Why not ask your teacher for help A: Hi, Della. You look so excited. 6 B: Yes, my parents will take me to Beijing. A: 7 I’ve been there three times with my family. B: Well, it will be my first time to be there. A: Maybe I can give you some advice. 8 B: We are leaving on July 19th. A: Wow, there are only a few days left. 9 B: OK, I’ll do it right now. A: 10 B: Of course. I won’t. A.That’s great. B.Any good news C.Don’t forget to send me some photos. D.When will you leave for Beijing E.You’d better get some information before you leave. 选择适当的句子补全对话。 Foreigner: Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me how to go to the nearest store Li Wei: Certainly. Go down this road until the end. Then turn right and go straight. It’s at the second crossing on the left. Foreigner: Thank you very much. 11 Li Wei: Thank you. You’re from England, aren’t you Foreigner: Yes. 12 Li Wei: From your accent. English is spoken differently in different English-speaking places. 13 Foreigner: You are right. 14 Li Wei: That’s because I stayed in London for a long time. 15 Foreigner: You’re great. Well, I must go now. Goodbye. Li Wei: Bye-bye. A.And I have been to many other English-speaking countries. B.How do you know that C.You’ve learned so much about English! D.Your spoken English is so good. E.So I guess you must be from London. A: Ann, is that you B: Yes. You’re Cindy, aren’t you A: 16 I haven’t seen you for a long time. 17 B: Really How A: You used to be a little heavy but now you’re thin. B: Yes, I am. A: 18 Now you have curly hair. B: Yes, you’re right. A: 19 B: Yes, I still do. A: You used to play the piano, didn’t you B: Yes, I did. 20 A: Wow! People sure change. A.But now I’m more interested in the violin. B.And you used to wear glasses. C.You’ve changed a lot. D.You used to have straight hair. E.Yes, that’s right. A: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the nearest museum is B: 21 You can go along the street, then turn right at the first crossing. Then walk on and you’ll find one there. 22 A: Oh, thanks. Do you know when it opens B: 23 It opens at 8:00 a. m. A: Good. And can you tell me which bus I should take B: Which bus I don’t know. You may ask the policeman over there. 24 A: OK. By the way, where’s the nearest McDonald’s, do you know B: 25 See that sign A: Oh, thanks a lot. B: You’re welcome. A.You can’t miss ... ...

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