ID: 21417829


日期:2024-10-10 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:802902B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年人教版九年级上册英语期中专题训练∶单项型阅读题 Gardening is a fun activity! It can also teach you about science and nature. One good way to learn how to garden is to start a school garden. Find teachers who want to help you start a garden. Then follow these steps. Decide where to put the garden. Will it be indoors or outdoors You can start a garden indoors in a few boxes. Check how much sunlight your room gets. Windows that face south and west are good for growing vegetables, as they usually receive enough light. If the room doesn’t get enough sunlight, you will need to set up lights over your plants. For an outdoor garden, you will also need to see how much sunlight the space gets. Most flowers and vegetables need six hours of sunlight a day. Decide on the type of garden. Will you grow vegetables, flowers, or both What is the purpose of the garden Will it be a place for science experiments (实验), something that adds beauty to the school, or both Design (设计) the garden. Where will the flower beds go What will the paths look like Draw a map of how you would like the garden to look. Then you can use it to build the paths and garden beds. Plant the garden. Dig the soil. Then plant the seeds and . Watch your garden grow and enjoy the fruits of your work. 1.What is the most important when deciding where to put the garden A.Sunlight. B.Weather. C.Water. D.Air. 2.Which is the right order to start a school garden according to the passage ①Plant the garden. ②Design the garden. ③Choose the place for the garden. ④Decide what to grow in the garden. A.①②③④ B.②③④① C.③④②① D.④③②① 3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to A.The flower. B.The map. C.The light. D.The garden. 4.What sentence can be put in _____ A.water your garden B.grow into good food C.dig a big hole D.put the seedling inside 5.According to the passage, what’s the writer’s purpose A.The writer wants us to help him. B.The writer invites us to his garden. C.The writer shows us his school garden. D.The writer teaches us something useful. March 2 is Old Stuff Day (旧物日). It is all about old stuff. Things you used have been forgotten for ages in your home. You must have some old stuff around. And today is all about enjoying it. Because what’s better than finding something really great from days gone by It’s so easy to forget things you have. If we don’t use them every day, some things can be put away and stay there. And that’s not just the things in your home—technology grows so quickly, new toys come out all the time, new books keep coming out. In the age of new information, we can have so many things easily. Today is all about remembering the things we sometimes leave behind. We’ve learned to value what age can bring to things. Wines, for example, are more valuable and tastier as they grow older. It’s certain that old things still have their uses, value or charm. People to ... ...

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